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2021 Vol. 40, No. 5
Published: 2021-05-25

1 Seismic performance evaluation of high asphaltic-concrete-core rockfill dams considering duration effect
SUN Benbo, DENG Mingjiang, ZHANG Sherong, WANG Chao, CUI Wei
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210501
The current hydraulic seismic design code has clear provisions for the amplitude and frequency spectrum of strong earthquakes, but no provision for the impact of their duration on the seismic response of high-performance hydraulic structures. At present, a variety of definitions for the duration characteristics of strong earthquakes are available, but most of them only consider unidirectional ground motions, underestimating the duration impact in multi-directional cases. This paper constructs a dam-reservoir-foundation dynamic coupling analysis system through a case study of a high asphalt-concrete-core sandy gravel dam. We adopt an integrated duration index for multi-directional strong earthquakes, and use an incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) method to evaluate the influence of short-duration and long-duration ground motions on the seismic performance of high asphaltic concrete core rockfill dams, taking the relative settlement ratio of dam crest as an evaluation index of structural performance. Thus, this analysis system can give the damage level of a high asphaltic-concrete-core rockfill dam and its seismic fragility curves considering the integrated duration effect. Results show that the integrated duration characteristics of ground motions have a significant impact on dam failure probability at different performance levels. For fixed seismic intensity, dam failure probability at longer ground motion duration is greater than that at shorter duration.
2021 Vol. 40 (5): 1-10 [Abstract] ( 213 ) PDF (3226 KB)  ( 528 )
11 Intelligent control theory of thermal stress in mass concrete structures
ZHANG Qinglong, MA Rui, HU Yu, AN Zaizhan, YIN Tao, LI Qingbin
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210502
Temperature cracking is a difficult problem in the construction of mass concrete, and its thermal stress control is the key to crack prevention and crack control. For this reason, an intelligent control theory of mass concrete thermal stress is developed in this study based on artificial intelligence, operations research, automatic control, and finite element method, forming a new cross-type quaternary theoretical structure. Applying this theory, we construct a thermal stress intelligent control system that comprises three units: comprehensive perception, intelligent decision-making, and automatic control. The comprehensive perception unit collects and analyzes the data of various construction conditions, material performance, and numerical simulation data; the intelligent decision-making unit generates optimal solutions using a global optimization method. For the cooling water flow strategy, the automatic control unit realizes double closed-loop control according to the optimized strategy. Application shows that this mass concrete thermal stress intelligent control theory can achieve an intelligent control of the temperature stress over the whole pouring period, and give full play to the performance of concrete material through ensuring the thermal stress of each poured layer meets the safety requirements in construction period.
2021 Vol. 40 (5): 11-21 [Abstract] ( 280 ) PDF (1324 KB)  ( 962 )
22 Review on health diagnosis of long-term service behaviors for concrete dams
ZHAO Erfeng, GU Chongshi
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210503
Health diagnosis for concrete dams during long-term operations is significant to the choice of appropriate risk control measures. Based on an analysis of the hidden troubles of concrete dams in China, this paper reviews recent advances in the key theories, methods and technologies for dam health diagnosis, including in-situ monitoring, on-site inspection, mathematical modelling, structural simulation, and model tests. We highlight further studies in the future on data-driven temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of concrete dam safety status, pattern recognition of reliability development, dynamic collaborative evaluation of risk probability, multi-source heterogeneous information fusion decision, and critical early warning threshold formulation. They are extremely essential to construct a comprehensive diagnosis knowledge project with data sharing and information complementing in an all-round way, so as to guarantee long-term safe operations of concrete dams.
2021 Vol. 40 (5): 22-34 [Abstract] ( 243 ) PDF (531 KB)  ( 1016 )
35 Joint frequency analysis of flood discharge and volume considering uncertainties of historical flood events
SHANG Xiaosan, WANG Dong, WANG Yuankun
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210504
Generally, flood events have several characteristic attributes, and the time variations in these attributes can be comprehensively analyzed using multivariate flood frequency analysis. This study develops a peak discharge-flood volume joint frequency analysis model for discontinuous sequences based on the Copula function, considering both quantitative and non-quantitative historical floods and using a genetic algorithm to estimate the model parameters. And the influence of uncertain changes in historical floods on parameter estimation and design floods is analyzed. This model is applied in a case study of the Yichang hydrologic station that has a systematic gauge record and a historical flood record. Results show that parameter estimation is more reasonable when the peak discharges of a historical flood event are described using confidence intervals with lower and upper bounds, and in this case the estimates of flood frequency analysis agree better with the field observed relationship of peak discharge versus flood volume. The peak discharge of the design flood is decreased with an increase in its confidence interval, and the decrease becomes larger at a longer recurrence period.
2021 Vol. 40 (5): 35-43 [Abstract] ( 148 ) PDF (649 KB)  ( 513 )
44 An efficient method for deriving reservoir operating rules by coupling ensemble forecasting information
ZHONG Huayu, HUANG Qiang, MING Bo, LIU Pan, YANG Yuanyuan, WANG Zhiyang
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210505
Forecast uncertainty is a key issue for reservoir operation. Ensemble forecasting can effectively depict forecast uncertainties, but it may increase the computational burden when directly incorporated into a multi-objective reservoir operation model. This paper presents an effective method for deriving multi-objective operating rules by incorporating ensemble forecasting. First, ensemble forecasting samples are reduced to several typical scenarios and their corresponding occurrence probabilities by using a simultaneous backward reduction method. Then, based on the typical scenarios, a multi-objective operation optimization model is constructed to optimize the expected values of reservoir performance indexes. Finally, a parameterization-simulation-optimization framework is adopted to derive multi-objective reservoir operating rules. The Han to Wei interbasin water transfer project in northwest China was selected for a case study. Results show that the proposed method yields effective reservoir operating rules with low computational burden.
2021 Vol. 40 (5): 44-55 [Abstract] ( 175 ) PDF (4383 KB)  ( 571 )
56 Integrated model and sensitivity analysis of urban waterlogging risk zoning
FENG Wenqiang, XU Kui, GUO Qizhong, XU Hongshi, LI Mingcai
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210506
Urban flood risk zoning maps are of great significance for flood risk early warning and disaster prevention and mitigation. This paper develops a 2-D hydrologic-hydraulic model for linking urban pipe network with surface runoff based on PCSWMM. To formulate a flood risk index system, it integrates the water flow characteristics indexes-including maximum depth, submergence duration, and maximum velocity-with a variety of topographic features: elevation, slope, slope direction, distance from river network, drainage pipe length, and building footprint. Flooding risk zones are delineated using TOPSIS and fuzzy C clustering analysis separately. Comparison of the calculations with observed inundation data shows this hydrologic-hydraulic-statistical analysis model can well predict the spatial distribution of flood risk across the study area. Sensitivity analysis on the choice of water flow indexes and the choice of statistical analysis methods shows that the flood risk zoning generated by the numerical modeling-statistical analysis model is more sensitive to the choice of statistical analysis methods, and less sensitive to the choice of hydrodynamic indexes. Thus, more attention should be paid to the validity of statistical analysis methods for flood risk zoning.
2021 Vol. 40 (5): 56-67 [Abstract] ( 250 ) PDF (4724 KB)  ( 879 )
68 Exploration of large-scale flood monitoring in the Pearl River basin based on GRACE satellites
XIONG Jinghua, WANG Zhaoli
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210507
Monitoring flood events is essential for early warning, control project scheduling, and risk management. Based on the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite data of Apr. 2002 to June 2017, this paper studies variations in terrestrial water storage anomaly (TWSA) in the Pearl River basin, and combines the Global Land Data Assimilation Systems (GLDAS)-simulated TWSA, temperature, and rainfall data to construct a generalized regression neural network (GRNN) model to extend the TWSA time series to the time span of Jan. 2000 to Dec. 2018. A flood potential index (FPI) is calculated to monitor large-scale extreme flood events. Results show that 1) five official GRACE products are highly correlated in this basin, and the TWSA derived from GRACE has a 1-2 month lead time relative to that from water budget. 2) The GRNN-extended TWSA for the basin is consistent with that of GLDAS, indicating strong capability of prediction by the GRNN model. 3) FPI is, when calculated using the GRNN-predicted TWSA, a good indicator in monitoring the basin’s large-scale flood events of Apr. to Dec. 2008.
2021 Vol. 40 (5): 68-78 [Abstract] ( 222 ) PDF (5477 KB)  ( 713 )
79 CNN flood routing method based on data-driven training
WU Xinjun, ZHAO Xiaodong, DING Xi, XU Zhentao, QIU Cheng
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210508
Flooding is one of the severest natural disasters to human lives and properties; to reduce flood emergency response time, an efficient vital method is to use flood routing results. Most of the previous flood routing calculations are based on the traditional 2D-hydro-physical model that requires massive computer capability and high CPU cost, failing to meet the demand by quick emergency response. This paper uses the results of a 2D-hydro-physical model as the driving data to train a CNN model, and then this CNN model is applied to flood routing. Results show that the new model brings about a huge reduction in CPU cost and promotes dramatically the efficiency of flood emergency response in reality. It can calculate flood routings of 1-6 hours long, a duration much longer than the traditional one of 1-2 hours, and its overall results meet engineering demands. Thus, the data-driven CNN method is a new approach and methodology for flood routing and useful for other science and engineering problems with specific inputs and outputs.
2021 Vol. 40 (5): 79-86 [Abstract] ( 384 ) PDF (1339 KB)  ( 922 )
87 Study on the influences of reverse slope section on hydraulic characteristics of side inlet/outlet
GAO Xueping, CHEN Siyu, ZHU Hongtao, SUN Bowen, XU Tianhao
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210509
For the side inlet/outlet of a pumped storage power station, because its bottom elevation is lower than that of the reservoir, it is connected to the reservoir via an open channel with a reverse slope, and the reverse slope ratio usually affects flow characteristics. In the previous designs of such inlets/outlets, no recommended values of the reverse slope ratio have been available. This paper presents a numerical simulation study on the influence of different reverse slope ratios in the range of 1:1 - 1:6 on the hydraulic characteristics of the inlet and outlet. The results show that the head loss coefficient of the inlet/outlet and the velocity distribution at the trashrack cross-section are affected by this slope ratio only when operating in inflow mode. In this case, typical inlet flow patterns are featured with a recirculation zone with a significant depth forming in the upper layer of the flow in the internal adjustment section of the inlet, and a smaller slope ratio leads to a smaller area ratio of this zone; when the slope ratio is less than 1:3, no backflow occurs in the reverse slope section of the open channel. In outflow mode of different slope ratios, such backflows appear in the reverse slope section of the middle and side passages of the outlet; the recirculation zone length ratio (relative to tunnel height) in the side passage is larger than that in the middle passage, and a smaller slope ratio leads to a larger length ratio. As the slope ratio of the outlet decreases from 1:1 to 1:6, flow in its platform section diffuses more evenly into the reservoir water body; when the ratio is 1:3 - 1:4, the inlet/outlet is best in hydraulics.
2021 Vol. 40 (5): 87-98 [Abstract] ( 146 ) PDF (4321 KB)  ( 360 )
99 Study on future trends of water and sediment changes in Yellow River based on multisource data
LI Yajuan, ZHANG Yu, TIAN Yinglin, ZHANG Qinqing, ZHONG Deyu
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210510
Due to the double impacts of climate changes and human activities in recent years, runoff and sediment transport in the Yellow have been reduced sharply, so it is necessary to make a reliable judgment on the future trends of these changes. Based on the method of feature selection and multiple regression analysis, this paper predicts the future runoff and sediment conditions of the river, using the sediment transport and runoff data measured at the Tongguan station, the mesoscale data from the European medium-range weather forecast center, and the global climate model data of CO2 emission concentrations along different climate change paths. The results show that under the scenario RCP26 in the next 10, 20 and 50 years, the runoff at the Tongguan station will be 2.34×1010 m3, 2.28×1010 m3 and 2.2×1010 m3 respectively, increased by 2.3%, -0.5% and -4.0% in comparison with the average of 2.29×1010 m3 over 2000-2016; the sediment discharge will be 2.68×108 t, 3.44×108 t and 5.72×108 t, increased by 7.9%, 38.4% and 130.2% respectively against the 2000-2016 average of 2.48×108 t. This indicates the less water and more sand feature of the Yellow basin will remain in place for quite a long period in the future.
2021 Vol. 40 (5): 99-109 [Abstract] ( 209 ) PDF (3912 KB)  ( 514 )
110 Urban flood simulation and analysis using UAV-based refined surface data. Case study for sponge city pilot area of Jinan City
CHENG Tao, HUANG Bensheng, QIU Jing, XU Zongxue
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210511
Climate change and rapid urbanization in recent years have resulted in a significant increase in urban flood risk, posing a considerable threat to sustainable and healthy development of the cities. Refined modelling of urban flood and waterlogging is often crucial to efficient flood management and requires better reliability and fineness of the flood model outputs. The sponge city pilot area of Jinan City was selected as a study case, where the special terrain and landform is conducive to urban flooding. Data of the refined urban land surface were collected using UAV-based oblique photography; and using these data, we have developed a hydro-hydrodynamic coupling model for interaction of various processes and applied it to analysis of the effect of terrain resolution on flood modeling. The results show that fine data resolution of the urban terrains is vital to accurate flood modeling, and using Digital Surface Model (DSM) or neglecting the walls in modeling will lead to overestimation or underestimation of the flood, which is really adverse. This study provides reliable, fine flood data to refined urban flood risk management in Jinan City.
2021 Vol. 40 (5): 110-124 [Abstract] ( 175 ) PDF (8542 KB)  ( 143 )
125 Investigation on effects of impeller blade angle distributions on hydraulic turbine performance
ZHANG Zichao, LI Yanpin, CHEN Dexin
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210512
Hydraulic turbines are widely used in the energy recovery of high residual pressure fluid. The distribution of blade angle from blade inlet to outlet, an important parameter for impeller design, is featured with uncertainty and diversity. To study its influence on hydraulic turbine performance, six different forms of blade angle distribution are examined and summarized: linear, concave, convex, and three types of piecewise smooth curves. Numerical simulations and comparative analysis show that the head-flow curves of the six schemes are nearly the same, while the concave scheme offers a wider zone of higher turbine efficiency. Different schemes have little influence on impeller inlet velocity circulation. Compared with the others, the concave scheme shows a better overall performance of the impeller–lower impeller head loss, smaller non-uniform vortices in the impeller passage, better flow field, and better blade pressure features such as higher surface pressure and mild pressure gradient from blade inlet to outlet.
2021 Vol. 40 (5): 125-134 [Abstract] ( 136 ) PDF (3821 KB)  ( 380 )
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