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Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 11-21.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210502

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Intelligent control theory of thermal stress in mass concrete structures


  • Online:2021-05-25 Published:2021-05-25

Abstract: Temperature cracking is a difficult problem in the construction of mass concrete, and its thermal stress control is the key to crack prevention and crack control. For this reason, an intelligent control theory of mass concrete thermal stress is developed in this study based on artificial intelligence, operations research, automatic control, and finite element method, forming a new cross-type quaternary theoretical structure. Applying this theory, we construct a thermal stress intelligent control system that comprises three units: comprehensive perception, intelligent decision-making, and automatic control. The comprehensive perception unit collects and analyzes the data of various construction conditions, material performance, and numerical simulation data; the intelligent decision-making unit generates optimal solutions using a global optimization method. For the cooling water flow strategy, the automatic control unit realizes double closed-loop control according to the optimized strategy. Application shows that this mass concrete thermal stress intelligent control theory can achieve an intelligent control of the temperature stress over the whole pouring period, and give full play to the performance of concrete material through ensuring the thermal stress of each poured layer meets the safety requirements in construction period.

Key words: mass concrete, thermal stress, intelligent control theory, intelligent decision

Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering
Supported by:Beijing Magtech