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2018 Vol. 37, No. 6
Published: 2018-06-25

1 Vortex cascade and dissipation features of turbulent flow in hydro-turbine blade passage
HU Xiucheng, ZHANG Lixiang, ZHANG Hongming
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180601
This paper presents a large eddy simulation (LES) study of turbulent flow structures in a hydro-turbine operating in the rated condition, including the details of the well captured structures and an analysis on the features of vortex cascade and turbulent energy dissipation in blade passages. And survival rates of vortices in different scales and the corresponding energy dissipation are examined. Results show that the survival rates vary significantly over a blade passage and the volume ratio of vortices in two adjacent scales is about 1.2-1.6. The large scale structures in a blade passage feature low survival rates, while the small scale structures have quite high survival rates and dominate along the flow in the passage. Along the flow, turbulent kinetic energy and eddy viscosity are increasing rapidly and the small scale structures keep growing, implying how an energy dissipation channel is formed in the blade passage.
2018 Vol. 37 (6): 1-7 [Abstract] ( 157 ) PDF (2201 KB)  ( 368 )
8 Numerical investigation of free surface effect on performance of bulb turbine
ZHAO Yaping, LI Zhihua, LIAO Weili, LUO Xingqi
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180602
The bulb turbine has become a good model for developing low head or ultra-low head water resources and tidal energy, but the problems of vibration and insufficient output frequently occur. Certain differences exist between the performance of its prototype and that predicted by the model test, due to the scaling effects and the small ratio of water head to its runner diameter (H/D1). This paper presents numerical simulations of a prototype bulb turbine working under two conditions of considering and neglecting the effects of free surface and water gravity, focusing on analysis of the effects in terms of its running performance and the cause of its insufficient output through examining the details of its internal flows. The results show that under the effects of free surface and water gravity, the turbine features a poor uniformity of the flow around its inlet and a gradual pressure increasing from top to bottom, and consequently a blade undergoes periodic pressure fluctuations during its rotation. And the blades at different positions contribute different torques to the shaft and the power output and efficiency of the bulb turbine are decreased considerably.
2018 Vol. 37 (6): 8-14 [Abstract] ( 192 ) PDF (1049 KB)  ( 277 )
15 Calculation method of Shapley compensation for reservoir resettlement of hydropower project construction
CHEN Shu, MENG Jintao
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180603
Reasonability of the resettlement compensation by a hydropower project is directly related to the immigrants’ rights and interests, thereby becoming a key factor in successful implementation of the project. This paper examines reservoir resettlement and hydropower development enterprises and presents a systematical analysis on the cost and benefits of these two stakeholders. We consider the cost-benefit caused by a hydropower project in which immigrants actively participate as a cooperative benefit, and develop a resettlement compensation model by using the Shapley value in cooperative game and making a tradeoff between the risk taken, resource investment, and contribution from both sides during project construction. This model can be solved for the sum of compensation for the immigrants, and its calculations are tested through application to a large hydropower station. Calculations show that the current method of calculating reservoir resettlement compensation is not able to give a full consideration of the cooperation benefits brought about by a hydropower project and its unreasonable determination of compensation could easily cause conflicts and even incidents between the two parties. Thus we suggest that the compensation payment of reservoir resettlement should be determined from the perspective of cooperation.
2018 Vol. 37 (6): 15-24 [Abstract] ( 178 ) PDF (388 KB)  ( 398 )
25 Optimal operation of reservoirs based on improved firefly algorithm
YANG Wangwang, BAI Tao, ZHAO Menglong, HUANG Qiang
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180604
To explore a new method for solving the optimal operation problem of a hydropower station group, this paper presents an improved firefly algorithm (IFA) that adopts the large-scale random walk, dominant reservation, and mutation mechanism. A mid-long term optimal operation model of maximal cascade power generation is developed and solved using IFA in a case study of the Heihe hydropower station group. The following conclusions are obtained: (1) When the power generation is maximized, the leading reservoir is filled up rapidly in high water season and maintains a high stage operation, and the reservoir stage goes down gradually to the dead water level in the dry season. (2) Optimal values of a disturbance factor, a fluorescence absorption factor, and stochastic search interval algebra are obtained using parameter sensitivity analysis. (3) Compared with two other algorithms, IFA is better in accuracy, stability, and optimization ability. The results are practically significant to the operation of the Heihe cascade hydropower stations.
2018 Vol. 37 (6): 25-33 [Abstract] ( 203 ) PDF (508 KB)  ( 382 )
34 Modified over-whitening process and its application in Mann-Kendall trend tests
ZHANG Hongbo, LI Zhehao, XI Qiuyi, YU Yinghao
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180605
When the Mann-Kendall (MK) method is used to detect the trend in serially correlated hydrological series, it is often difficult to obtain an accurate result, due to the influences by significant higher-order autocorrelation components or the trend damage in removing the lag-1 autocorrelation in the series. Aiming at this difficulty, this paper presents a hybrid MK test model combining a modified over-whitening (MOW) process and assembling the change point tests in regression and variance and the detrended methods to segment the original series and provide a set of suitable sub-series to over-whitening. In this model, the over-whitening is calculated in sections to remove the high-order autocorrelation while destroying the original trend component as little as possible. The test results of the runoff series at Linjiacun, Shenmu, Zhaoshiyao and Hengshan hydrologic stations indicate that the segmental over-whitening process can retain the trend change in the original series when eliminating its significant lag-high autocorrelation and ensure more accurate results in the MK trend test on over-whitened series.
2018 Vol. 37 (6): 34-46 [Abstract] ( 714 ) PDF (567 KB)  ( 1273 )
47 Uncertainty analysis of two-dimensional hydrodynamic model parameters and boundary conditions
CAO Yin, YE Yuntao, LIANG Lili, ZHAO Hongli, JIANG Yunzhong, WANG Hao, WANG Junfeng
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180606
Model uncertainty has always been considered as an important issue in the study of mathematical models. In this study, a physical model of the upper Toce River section of 5 km long is used to investigate the uncertainty in two-dimensional hydrodynamic model parameters, boundary conditions, and their interaction, by using the Latin hypercube sampling-generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (LHS-GLUE) and the shuffled complex evolution metropolis-UA (SCEM-UA) methods. Sensitivities of model parameters and boundary conditions to water level are analyzed using partial rank correlation analysis. The results indicate that the sensitivity of Manning’s roughness coefficient of the hydrodynamic model to water level is greater than that of the boundary conditions and it has spatial-temporal variability. Either of these two methods could give a reasonable uncertainty interval in water level simulations, but compared with GLUE, SCEM-UA could better estimate the posterior distribution of model parameters and boundary conditions, thus more suitable for analysis of model uncertainty.
2018 Vol. 37 (6): 47-61 [Abstract] ( 219 ) PDF (1288 KB)  ( 452 )
62 Uncertainty analysis of storm water management model using multi-criteria method
ZHANG Rong, PANG Bo, XU Zongxue, ZHAO Gang
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180607
A multi-criteria uncertainty analysis method for urban rainfall-runoff models is presented in this paper. By integrating multiple objective functions with a distance function, this method can simultaneously consider hydrological factors such as flood peak, flood volume and flood hydrograph. It is applied to the uncertainty analysis of a SWMM model, which is developed for analysis of the Dahongmen drainage area of Beijing. The results show that a single criterion cannot describe the characteristics of urban floods satisfactorily. Comparing with the traditional single criterion method, our multi-criteria method shows advantages not only in assessing prediction bounds, but providing median estimations when coverage rate is close. In calibration, it reduces the bandwidth of uncertainty bounds by 3.57 m3/s and the deviation by 3.04 m3/s; in validation, they are reduced by 3.38 m3/s and 7.25 m3/s respectively.
2018 Vol. 37 (6): 62-73 [Abstract] ( 144 ) PDF (2281 KB)  ( 858 )
74 Influence of different flood hydrographs on riverbed erosion and deposition in braided reach of lower Yellow River
ZHANG Xiaolei, XIA Junqiang, WANG Zenghui, LI Jie
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180608
Since the operation of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir, flow and sediment entering the lower Yellow River (LYR) has been altered significantly and this leads to a process of channel re-forming in this reach. This study examines flood evolution under different combinations of flow and sediment and its effect on erosion and deposition based on the water and sediment regimes regulated by the reservoir. A one-dimensional flow-sediment coupled model is developed to simulate flood routing along the braided reach of LYR, and it is verified using the measurements of a flood event occurring in this reach from May to October 1982. Calculations agree well with the measurements, including the calculated flow, sediment concentration and variation in flood peak level along the channel. Then, we regulate this 1982-flood into different flow and sediment processes by fixing the total volumes of flow and sediment but adopting different peak discharge Qmax and peak sediment concentration Smax in different processes. Using these regulated flood processes and our coupling model, we calculate flood routing and channel deformation, and analyze the influence of different flow-sediment processes on riverbed deformation in the braided reach. The results show that different flow-sediment processes produce significantly different channel deformation. In term of channel deposition volume, the combination of Qmax = 10000 m3/s and Smax = 60 kg/m3 would create the largest while Qmax = 4000 m3/s and Smax = 30 kg/m3 the smallest. According to the comprehensive effect of floodplain deposition and main-channel scour, the combination of Qmax = 6000 m3/s and Smax = 40 kg/m3 would be most advantageous to riverbed evolution in the LYR braided reach. Keywords: one-dimensional morphodynamic model; overbank flood; erosion and deposition; braided
2018 Vol. 37 (6): 74-83 [Abstract] ( 192 ) PDF (1212 KB)  ( 415 )
84 Experimental and numerical study on interface direct shear tests
YIN Yin, ZHANG Bingyin, YUAN Huina, SUN Xun
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180609
The interface of soil and structure exists widely in geotechnical engineering, and it is essential to establish a constitutive model that can describe the deformation properties of interface reasonably. In this study, direct shear tests on the interface of ‘Nuozhadu filter material-concrete baseplate’ were conducted and then simulated using the finite element method (FEM) to analyze the properties of shear deformation and progressive failure of the interface. Results show that the failure of soil-structure interface, which is significantly different from that of a soil or structure element, manifests a progressive process. The measured displacement in the test consists of two parts, i.e., the shear displacement at the interface and the deformation of the soil adjacent to the interface. In FEM analyses, the former can be simulated appropriately by a perfectly plastic model, and the latter by conventional constitutive models of soil.
2018 Vol. 37 (6): 84-92 [Abstract] ( 230 ) PDF (490 KB)  ( 356 )
93 Simplified extreme method for determining initiation toughness of dam concrete
QING Longbang, CHENG Yuehua, GUAN Junfeng
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180610
A simplified extreme method and corresponding model are developed for determining the initiation toughness of dam concrete. Based on the extreme method, we derive an analytical expression for the initiation toughness of wedge splitting specimens and a simplified extreme method for determining the initiation toughness of dam concrete. This simplified method needs only the peak load data measured in fracture tests and can avoid the shortcomings of the traditional test that requires measurements of critical crack opening displacement and initial load by pasting strain gauge and complicated numerical integration. We test it in application to calculating the initiation toughness of dam concrete specimens with different sizes and ages, examine the accuracy of calculations in the condition of different crack opening forms, and compare the calculated values with those by traditional methods. The results show that no obvious effect on the calculated initiation toughness has been found in this study when using different crack opening forms. Even using the simplest linear formula, our simplified model can give an accurate calculation of initiation toughness, and the calculations are in good agreement with previous experimental measurements in strain tests and calculation results using linear regression method, thereby verifying the method and model developed in this study.
2018 Vol. 37 (6): 93-100 [Abstract] ( 163 ) PDF (391 KB)  ( 220 )
101 Experimental study on cracking of thick-cover reinforced concrete beams with CFRP grids
HE Huanan, CHENG Lijuan, GONG Jinxin
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180611
In this study, a non-corrosive carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) grid is arranged in thick concrete cover to solve the problem of wide crack opening and poor durability of reinforced concrete components under service conditions in hydraulic structures. We conduct experimental tests on totally 12 simply supported thick-cover reinforced concrete beams under four-point monotonic loading ? 9 with CFRP grid and 3 without, and analyze influencing factors of crack spacing and width, such as concrete cover thickness and the size and number of CFRP grids. And we derive a formula for calculating crack width using the existing theory of concrete cracking and the models of concrete crack width. Results show that CFRP grids effectively control crack propagation in thick-cover reinforced beams. And either an increase in CFRP grid number or a decrease in CFRP grid size can increase cracking load and reduce the maximum crack width and average crack spacing. Calculations of the maximum crack width are in good agreement with test measurements, and thus our crack width formula helps the design of CFRP grid reinforced concrete covers.
2018 Vol. 37 (6): 101-111 [Abstract] ( 199 ) PDF (1010 KB)  ( 395 )
112 Effect of recycled aggregate on basic tensile creep of recycled concrete at early ages
HUANG Haisheng, ZHENG Jianlan, LUO Surong
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180612
Experimental tests on specimens of recycled concrete at early ages are conducted to examine how its basic tensile creep varies with recycled coarse aggregate of different quality, recycled coarse and fine aggregate of different replacement rates, and pre-cleaning of recycled fine aggregate. Test results show that this creep increases with the replacement rate but decreases with the volume fraction of natural aggregate, and that pre-cleaning of recycled fine aggregate is an effective way to reduce the creep by 4.1% ~ 7.9%. Our calculations and analysis demonstrate that by introducing parameters representing the volume of natural aggregate and replacement rate of recycled fine aggregate, a model for prediction of the basic tensile creep of recycled concrete at early ages can be constructed through certain modification on the M-Burgers model that is limited to the basic tensile creep prediction of normal concrete.
2018 Vol. 37 (6): 112-120 [Abstract] ( 138 ) PDF (579 KB)  ( 327 )
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