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2015 Vol. 34, No. 7
Published: 2015-07-25

1 Equilibrium sediment transport relations of the lower Yellow River and applications
FEI Xiangjun, WU Baosheng
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150701
Equilibrium sediment transport relations in terms of discharge and channel shape for the lower Yellow River were obtained by introducing the characteristics of sediment transport of the lower Yellow River into the general formulations of equilibrium sediment transport for two-phase heterogeneous flows. These relations can be used for analyzing the characteristics and trend of adjustments in longitudinal and transverse channel shapes of a channel reach in response to variations of flow and sediment load. The applicability of the equilibrium sediment transport relations was verified for adjustment of channel cross section based on the stage-discharge relation of a typical hyperconcentrated flood at the Jiahetan station in 1977, which indicates that the adjustment was not a permanent one.The proposed equilibrium sediment transport relations for the lower Yellow River are closely related to parameters of “equilibrium slope” and “hydraulic geometry” used in river training. Because of the adjustment of channel slope is related to cross-sectional shape, the cross-sectional parameter must be included in the “equilibrium slope”.The equilibrium sediment transport relations for the lower Yellow River provide a quick calculation method for various channel designs. This is very important for transport of sediment from the Yellow River to farmland using irrigation channels, deposition of sediment on floodplains using desilting channels, and reduction of sediment deposition in the lower Yellow River.
2015 Vol. 34 (7): 1-11 [Abstract] ( 178 ) PDF (427 KB)  ( 459 )
12 Analysis of bank slope stability of channel reservoir during stage falling
ZHANG Linlin, ZHANG Yaozhe, ZHANG Zheng
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150702
To analyze the bank slope instability of channel reservoir during water stage falling after flood season, this paper considers the interaction of groundwater infiltration, hydrostatic pressure, pore water pressure, and other factors. The limit equilibrium method is used to examine the effects of the difference between riverside water level and groundwater level on bank slope stability, as well as the effects of water erosion and underground water level. The results show that a quicker river stage falling leads to a more unstable bank slope. Bank collapsing is also intensified by the lateral erosion or bed scour in the river or the lowering of groundwater level.
2015 Vol. 34 (7): 12-20 [Abstract] ( 264 ) PDF (399 KB)  ( 299 )
21 Simulation of piping progression based on natural element method
REN He,FEI Jianbo,JIE Yuxin,FU Xudong,ZHANG Bingyin
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150703
Piping is one of the common situations dangerous to embankment. Piping progression can be well simulated by using an approach that couples the two domains of seepage and pipe flow. The element-free method can add or delete a node easily, showing a great advantage in calculation of the dynamically moving boundary between the two domains. Compared with the element-free Galerkin method (EFG), a natural element method adopts shape functions that satisfy the Kronecker ? conditions, and hence it can achieve a better accuracy in the calculation of boundary conditions. On the basis of our previous work, we have applied this new method, as a substitute for the EFG method, to the simulation of piping progression. An example shows that this substitution is appropriate.
2015 Vol. 34 (7): 21-26 [Abstract] ( 222 ) PDF (557 KB)  ( 327 )
27 Projection pursuit autoregression model based on wavelet decomposition and its application in annual runoff prediction
JI Changming,LI Rongbo,ZHANG Yanke,LIU Dan,ZHANG Pei,PHANTHAVONG Tulaxay
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150704
A projection pursuit autoregression model based on wavelet decomposition (PPARWD) has been developed to reveal the characteristics of mid-and-long term runoffs and resolve the problem of low prediction accuracy. This model adopts a new idea, processing then forecasting, and makes use of the multi-resolving power of wavelet analysis and the high-dimensional approaching capacity of projection pursuit autoregression (PPAR). It decomposes a time series of annual runoff into one approximate signal and several detailed signals by wavelet decomposition, and then uses the PPAR model to predict each of these signal series and reconstructs the final results. This PPARWD model is applied to the annual runoff at the Yichang hydrological station, and compared it with the PPAR model, a BP neural networks model, and an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model. The results show that it has better prediction accuracy and stability and its predictions are insensitive to the decomposed scale coefficients.
2015 Vol. 34 (7): 27-35 [Abstract] ( 238 ) PDF (458 KB)  ( 577 )
36 Study on optimal operation of small hydropower stations in large-scale irrigation districts under climate changes
DING Kun,XIONG Shanshan,ZHANG Libing,JIN Juliang,ZHOU Yuliang,WU Chengguo
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150705
Optimal operation of small hydropower stations in large-scale irrigation districts is of great significance to promote the use of clean energy, reduce regional carbon emission, and protect local environments. This paper presents a study to simulate the performance of water resources system and to optimize the operation plan of small hydropower station group in climate change scenarios, via a case study of a large-scale irrigation district, the Pihe irrigation district in Anhui, China. Results show that with a slight increase in rainfall and a slight temperature rise in the future, the current system operation plan will not be able to meet the requirement of assurance rate for urban water supply and the increase in the total power generation of the station group will be negligible. Through optimization, however, the annual average power generation will increase by 115×104kW•h if all the following conditions are satisfied: the flood control capacity of the Foziling reservoir increases by 6.2%, the flow plan of water supply line changes to 25.7m3/s, and the upper limits of recharging capacity of the urban reservoir in non-irrigation and irrigation periods are altered to 0.98×108 m3 and 0.59×108 m3 respectively. These results indicate considerable social and economic benefits of the irrigation system.
2015 Vol. 34 (7): 36-44 [Abstract] ( 181 ) PDF (416 KB)  ( 329 )
45 Optimal scheduling of cascaded multi-hydropower stations based on ecological punishment
ZHOU lizhi, WANG wanliang, XU xinli, LI li, ZHENG shutian
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150706
This paper presents a method to filter and replace the erroneous extreme data in historical hydrological series by data preprocessing and screening to improve the accuracy of monthly frequency calculations for instream ecological flow. We formulate the problem from the economic point of view and treat the ecological flow as a penalty factor in protection of the ecological environment of rural cascaded hydropower stations. This is different from the previous studies that take the ecological flow as a constraint or one of the multi-objectives in an optimal scheduling model. We have developed a new general model that is solved by DNMPSO, and applied it to the Lushui River cascaded stations in Jiangxi. The results show that this new model gives schemes that can better protect the downstream through restoration of ecological environment and also improve the overall benefits of the cascaded stations.
2015 Vol. 34 (7): 45-56 [Abstract] ( 218 ) PDF (789 KB)  ( 487 )
57 Analysis on the effect of bottom slope of U-shaped channel on its flow measurement with round head pier
LIU Ying,WANG Wen-e,HU Xiaotao
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150707
A systematic experiment on a round head pier for measuring the flow in a U-shaped channel has been conducted for the cases of six channel slopes, six flow contraction ratios, and three pier aspect ratios, focusing on the effect of channel slope on the hydraulic performance of the pier and its applicability to the irrigation areas in North China. We analyzed the water surface profile and the pier shape suitable for different channel slopes, and examined the slope effects on the backwater and head loss of the pier, upstream Froude number, and critical submergence. A concise, practical discharge formula of high accuracy was obtained by fitting the experimental data. The test results show that when channel discharge, contraction ratio and aspect ratio are fixed, a reduction in channel slope leads to an increase in the depth and distance of backwater and a decrease in flow head loss and upstream Froude number. A negative correlation exists between the channel slope and the contraction ratio or aspect ratio of the pier. The round head pier has a great critical submergence of relative degree 0.90.
2015 Vol. 34 (7): 57-63 [Abstract] ( 210 ) PDF (487 KB)  ( 329 )
64 Numerical simulation of transient flows in Francis turbine runner based on dynamic mesh method
LI Wenfeng, FENG Jianjun,LUO Xingqi, LU Jinling, WU Guangkuan
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150708
For a hydropower plant, strong pressure fluctuations, vibrations and water hammer could occur during a transient process, resulting in negative effects on the safety and stability of its operation. To capture the dynamic properties of a turbine at the transient stage, we have adopted the CFD Fluent 14.0 and a dynamic mesh method on the basis of finite volume method, and simulated the three-dimensional transient flows in the guide vane and runner passages of a Francis turbine. This method focuses on simulation of the internal flow changes in the runner caused by large-fluctuation transients and analysis of the corresponding changes in velocity and pressure fields. Thus it is distinguished from the conventional steady-state analysis methods. The calculation results indicate that the dynamic mesh method is effective and successful and it provides a new tool for the study of three-dimensional flow transients.
2015 Vol. 34 (7): 64-73 [Abstract] ( 235 ) PDF (3915 KB)  ( 543 )
74 Study on reservoir resettlement compensation based on living standard
WANG Jie, QIANG Maoshan
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150709
Reservoir resettlement compensation principle―that the living standards of the reservoir resettlement should achieve and exceed the original levels―is exactly specified in Large and Medium-sized Water Conservancy and Hydropower Project Construction Land Requisition Compensation And Resettlement Regulations, which was enacted by The State Council of China in 1991. Thus, the living standard of reservoir resettlement should be a crucial factor in the determination of reservoir resettlement compensation. This paper applies the theory of living standard proposed by Amartya Sen to a systematic analysis of the components of living standard, and on this basis, examines the scopes of reservoir resettlement compensation according to the compensation principle. The associated path of these components is constructed, and two compensation aspects, i.e. the economic compensation and policy compensation, are discussed in detail. We demonstrate the shortage of the current compensation calculation method that determines the compensation by "filling the loss" and leads to insufficient compensation, and suggest that the scopes and standard of compensation should be determined and calculated from the perspective of reconstructing the reservoir migrants' living.
2015 Vol. 34 (7): 74-79 [Abstract] ( 151 ) PDF (348 KB)  ( 358 )
80 Fuzzy multi-mode time-cost-quality tradeoff optimization in water conservancy project
GUAN Hongyan,LI Zongkun,WANG Juan,GE Wei
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150710
Considering the tradeoff between conflicting objectives in a water conservancy project in uncertain environment is a difficult task. We present two new piecewise functions, a double exponential function and a quadratic function, to simulate the relationship between the construction quality and limit time of a project, and then develop a fuzzy multi-mode discrete time-cost-quality tradeoff model for water conservancy projects. This model solves a NP-hard problem and adopts a Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm to obtain the optimal solutions. Comparison of the calculations with previous studies verifies the model and its calculation method. A case study of a water conservancy project is given, and the optimization results lay a theoretical basis for project planning and construction scheduling.
2015 Vol. 34 (7): 80-87 [Abstract] ( 216 ) PDF (479 KB)  ( 361 )
88 Analysis of joint closure temperature of high arch dam based on finite element equivalent stress method
LI Shouyi,MA Qiang,ZHANG Xiaofei
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150711
A finite element equivalent stress method for calculation of the stress in RCC high arch dams with different joint closure temperature fields is presented, focusing on the effect of these fields on dam body stress to improve the fields and determine reasonable arch sealing solutions. The results show that this effect is significant and a special study on joint closure temperature in design phase is needed. And the dam stress could be improved effectively through optimization of the temperature field by reducing the average temperature of the dam at its arch sealing stage and increasing its equivalent temperature difference at this stage. This work would provide reference for the design of joint closure temperature in RCC high arch dams.
2015 Vol. 34 (7): 88-94 [Abstract] ( 237 ) PDF (981 KB)  ( 333 )
95 Theoretical analysis on breaking ring in homogeneous drying process with uniform temperature field
GU Lihua1, ZHANG Chengzhi
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150712
This paper uses the elastic mechanics method to study the behavior of a breaking ring in both dry shrinkage deformation and temperature deformation, including the distributions of its radial stress and circumferential stress, radial displacement, and radial strain and circumferential strain caused by the homogeneous drying shrinkage of its cementing material in given uniform temperature fields. The results reveal that the strain in this cement-based material ring depends on the combination of temperature deformation and drying shrinkage deformation. And the drying shrinkage deformation influences temperature deformation; temperature variation has a significant effect on all the distributions.
2015 Vol. 34 (7): 95-102 [Abstract] ( 242 ) PDF (314 KB)  ( 359 )
103 Experimental study on oscillating pressure characteristics of overtopped cofferdam with monolithic protection slab
YANG Lei LIU Bin XU Hongliang ZHANG Shengqiang ZHANG Hongmei
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150713
In recent years, improvement on construction technology makes it possible to adopt a monolthic concrete slab as a new type of surface protection for an overtopped cofferdam. To demonstrate the feasibility of this technique, a study on the stability mechanism of the slab is needed, and particularly the oscillating pressure under the slab is a key factor in cofferdam stability. Using model tests, we have studied the distribution characteristics of the oscillating pressure and obtained the relationships of this distribution versus slab slope, discharge, and hydraulic jump location. The test results show that the signals of flow pulsation on the slab are characterized by low amplitude, broadband, and normally distribution.
2015 Vol. 34 (7): 103-108 [Abstract] ( 182 ) PDF (1064 KB)  ( 441 )
109 Back analysis of soil parameters for deep foundation pit excavation based on artificial neural network
TAN Rujiao, XU Tianhua, XU Wenjie, ZHANG Qibin
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150714
Finite element analysis has been used in a great number of deep foundation pit excavation projects to improve the efficiency and safety in construction. Its reliability depends on the accuracy of model parameters and the suitability of boundary conditions. This paper presents a model of soil parameter back analysis that is based on the artificial neural network and its application to deep foundation pit excavation. In developing this model, first we determined the structure of neutral network according to the size of monitored data and the number of parameters, and initiated the neutral network using a genetic algorithm. Then, we developed a neutral network training set via finite element calculation. After completion of all the training, we inputted the monitored data into the network and started the back calculation of soil parameters. To demonstrate the application procedure, this paper presents the results of a foundation pit excavation project, the Tianjin culture centre transport hub. Verification results show that this back analysis model is effective and accurate in calculation of the soil parameters of deep foundation pit excavation.
2015 Vol. 34 (7): 109-117 [Abstract] ( 226 ) PDF (2422 KB)  ( 516 )
118 Study on construction simulation for roller compaction of dam with asphalt concrete core based on real-time monitoring
ZHONG Denghua, ZHAI Haifeng, CUI Bo, WU Binping, BI Lei
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150715
For roller compaction of a dam with asphalt concrete core, the existing construction simulation has a low reliability since it takes into consideration only the compaction efficiency of rolling machinery, with no on-site construction data being integrated into the model. To overcome such a shortage, this paper presents a simulation model that incorporates the real-time monitoring data of on-site rolling process. This model uses parameters that are calculated from the monitored data and their mathematical statistics to better describe the actual construction. Combining these parameters with a discrete event simulation method, a construction simulation model has been developed for roller compaction of a dam with asphalt concrete core. In addition, Monte Carlo simulation is adopted to calculate the rolling compaction duration of filling-units and the qualified rate of compacted sections. This new simulation model has been verified through confidence test in a case study of a rock-fill dam with asphalt concrete core under construction in Southwest China, and the sensitivity of its simulation parameters examined by a local sensitivity analysis method. The present study would provide a technical support for schedule control and management of dam construction.
2015 Vol. 34 (7): 118-126 [Abstract] ( 258 ) PDF (1045 KB)  ( 535 )
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