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2024 Vol. 43, No. 1
Published: 2024-01-25

1 Multi-objective scheduling of Three Gorges reservoir cascade in impounding period based on negotiation game Hot!
LI Yinghai, LAN Huigui, WANG Yongqiang, ZHANG Hairong, LI Yunjie, HE Liangzhe
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20240101
Reservoir impounding period is an important time window for the Three Gorges cascade hydraulic projects to switch from the mode of flood control to benefit operation. However, unreasonable water storage will have adverse effects on cascade flood control, power generation, and ecological benefits. In this paper, an impoundment dispatching model for this reservoir cascade is constructed to optimize the objectives of maximum power generation, minimum occupancy ratio of flood control capacity, and minimum Amended Annual Proportional Flow Deviation. And a negotiation game model is adopted to take each scheduling objective as a different negotiating subject. Then, through multiple rounds of negotiations by gradually reducing the expected benefit value of each scheduling objective, we obtain a Nash equilibrium scheduling scheme. A case study shows that we can obtain an optimal impoundment scheduling scheme for each of the objective subjects of the cascade by applying the game model, while keeping the scheduling schemes satisfying the expected benefits of the other objectives. This is a new useful approach to the cascade’s multi-objective scheduling and decision-making.
2024 Vol. 43 (1): 1-10 [Abstract] ( 90 ) PDF (3187 KB)  ( 283 )
11 Study on water resources utilization efficiency and its influencing factors in China
LI Kebai, TAO Jun, LU Hui
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20240102
This paper studies the efficiency and influencing factors of interprovincial water use in China, and provides reference for the construction of a water-saving society. First, an improved data envelopment model is used to calculate water use efficiency in different regions from 2015 to 2020. Then, compared with the results of ordinary least square regression, quantile regression is used to explore the influence of various factors on water use efficiency at different grades. The results show the average water use efficiency in China fluctuated around 0.45, showing an inverted "U" shaped trend. Regional water use efficiency is eastern, central and western in descending order. Water use efficiency is impacted significantly by natural factors, economic development level, sustainable use level, scientific and technological progress, human literacy, and enterprise cost. Among them, the impact of water endowment is significant on the areas with low water efficiency, while it is not significant on the areas with medium or high efficiency, which is different from the "resource curse" hypothesis. Thus, there is still much room for improvement in China's water use efficiency, especially in the low efficiency areas.
2024 Vol. 43 (1): 11-23 [Abstract] ( 102 ) PDF (564 KB)  ( 462 )
24 Study on performance of rainfall-runoff simulations using coupled long short-term memory network and Xin’anjiang model
JI Tongyan, HUANG Pengnian, LI Yanzhong, WANG Jie
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20240103
Deep learning techniques have a promising application in rainfall-runoff simulations, but they are limited by the availability of training samples and need coupling with a traditional hydrological model that can provide training data. Selection of coupled data and hyperparameters has a significant impact on the simulation performance of a coupled model, but it lacks deep study. In this paper, we present a rainfall-runoff simulation model by coupling different module data of the Xin’anjiang model with a bidirectional long short-term memory network and optimizing the hyperparameters using the Grey Wolf optimization algorithm, along with an application to the Dongwan watershed. The results show the model improves the simulations of daily runoffs and flood events when coupled with different data, especially runoff data and simulated flow data. The hyperparameter scheme needs to be adjusted to different coupled data, and the Grey Wolf optimization algorithm can meet such a demand. This study provides new ideas and methods for enhancing the runoff simulation capability of the coupled models.
2024 Vol. 43 (1): 24-34 [Abstract] ( 144 ) PDF (2955 KB)  ( 263 )
35 Impact of directly connected impervious area distribution on urban stormwater runoff process
ZHENG Ziqi, PANG Bo, LI Yu, CHEN Haoming, ZHOU Sicong
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20240104
Given the complicated spatial distribution of impervious ground and its multiple flow routing paths in urban areas, the effectiveness of the impervious area and its runoff generation mechanism has become one of the hot topics in urban hydrology. In this work, we examine the core urban area of Beijing, construct a method for identifying its directly connected impervious (DCI) areas based on flow routing paths, and fit empirical equations for calculating its total impervious area and the DCI area. Based on the equations, the influence of DCI areas on the city’s urban rainwater runoff is quantitatively analyzed. The results show the accuracy of simulations is improved significantly by considering DCI areas. In different stages of urbanization, if different proportions of DCI areas are used to simulate the scenarios under the rainfalls with various return periods, DCI areas have a greater effect on the runoff process of a shorter recurrence period than that of a longer one. The increase in the DCI area in the early urbanization period leads to large peak discharge growth rates, but its effect decreases in the late stage. This work is useful to urban landform pattern design and urban flooding management.
2024 Vol. 43 (1): 35-46 [Abstract] ( 82 ) PDF (3504 KB)  ( 268 )
47 Study on reservoir inflow simulations considering wet and dry states of upper wetlands
DU Miaolei, WU Jian, PENG Yong, YANG Yulin, LI Min, CUI Yundong, WANG Qianning
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20240105
The construction of hydraulic projects directly affects the hydrological response of a river basin, increasing the difficulty and uncertainty of flood forecasting. Through a case study of the Xinlicheng wetlands, this paper first chooses several characteristic indexes to identify the arid or humid state of wetlands, and groups the relevant historical flood events into two sets-the arid wetlands and humid wetlands. Then, we analyze the hydrological characteristics of the corresponding two types of flood events. On this basis, we develop a new method to consider the impact of the wetlands on reservoir inflows by adopting the Xin’anjiang model and modifying its sensitive parameters. The results show that the two-type wetlands can be reasonably divided using the antecedent precipitation and the occurrence times of previous flood events, and the simulation results of flood events are satisfactory for each type. Our new method simulates effectively the reservoir inflows affected by the upper wetlands, useful and applicable to other similar basins.
2024 Vol. 43 (1): 47-58 [Abstract] ( 61 ) PDF (5524 KB)  ( 192 )
59 Voiceprint recognition model of hydropower unit rub-impact faults based on integrated EEMD-CNN
XIAO Boyi, ZENG Yun, DAO Fang, ZOU Yidong, LI Xiang, BAI Shufang
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20240106
Hydroelectric unit voice signals contain a significant amount of valuable information reflecting their internal mechanical state. To accurately extract the voiceprint features of rubbing faults in hydroelectric units, this paper presents a hydroelectric unit rubbing fault voiceprint recognition model based on the fusion of Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). First, we use EEMD to decompose a noise signal from a hydroelectric unit into several Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) and a residue component (Res); we use these IMFs and Res, along with the original signal, to construct a fusion feature vector. Then, the vector is used as an input to train a CNN deep learning neural network, with the normal and rubbing fault test data as samples, so as to obtain a rubbing fault recognizer for hydroelectric units. This new method is validated against the rubbing test data from both the hydro-mechanical coupling test stand and the in-situ experiment, with an average accuracy of 99.8%, demonstrating its performance superior to other recognition models for the rubbing faults of hydroelectric units.
2024 Vol. 43 (1): 59-69 [Abstract] ( 93 ) PDF (2874 KB)  ( 243 )
70 Risk identification method of asphalt concrete core wall dams under complicated geological conditions
SONG Jintao, MENG Qingyao, LIU Yunhe, LI Yanlong, YANG Jie
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20240107
To identify the risk of an asphalt concrete core wall dam under complicated geological conditions, this paper develops systematically a risk index system for such dams from three risk dimensions: three high and one deep complicated geological conditions, asphalt concrete core walls, and traditional earth-rock dams. Aimed at the insufficient fusion of subjective and objective information, this paper uses triangular fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (TFAHP) to determine the subjective weight of risk indicators, criteria importance through intercriteria correlation (CRITIC) to determine the objective weight, and game theory (GT) to calculate the optimal combination weight. An intelligent risk identification method of asphalt core wall dams is constructed based on a TFAHP-CRITIC-GT combined weighting model. Case analysis shows that for an asphalt core wall dam, the risk index weight of its complicated geological conditions accounts for 0.52, which is the most important of its risk factors. Therefore, to identify the risk factors of such a dam accurately, it is of great significance to comprehensively consider its complicated geological conditions and the risk of its asphalt core wall. Our index system and identification method would be applicable to the risk identification and evaluation research of water dams under complicated geological conditions in West China.
2024 Vol. 43 (1): 70-83 [Abstract] ( 69 ) PDF (1832 KB)  ( 370 )
84 Dam deformation prediction model selected by SSA-XGBoost with temporal and spatial features
ZHANG Mengxin, CHEN Bo, LIU Weiqi, QI Yining, ZHANG Ming
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20240108
For dam deformation, some of the previous single-point models did not consider the spatial correlation of dam monitoring data and met difficulties in describing its overall response characteristics; The traditional regression models neglect the nonlinear relationship between the environmental and deformation quantities, resulting in poor prediction accuracy. To improve the prediction, this paper develops a predictive model based on an empirical modal decomposition of monitoring data by using an adaptive noise-complete set, or the technique of wavelet packet noise reduction. This model is combined with feature selection through an elastic network for the deformation factor under spatial correlation, considers the cross validation of the effectiveness of feature factors, and adopts the sparrow search algorithm extreme gradient to enhance computational efficiency. We examine the optimal factor set considering spatial correlation based on the deformation data measured at the Jinping arch dam. Comparison of the MSE and RMSE parameters of several models verifies the high accuracy and generalizability of our new method, which is useful for analysis of dam deformation patterns.
2024 Vol. 43 (1): 84-98 [Abstract] ( 106 ) PDF (3660 KB)  ( 441 )
99 ResNet50-SEMSF method for intelligent identification of concrete dam surface operation scenes
CHEN Shu, SUN Mengwen, CHEN Yun, CAO Kunyu, LI Zhi, NIE Benwu
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20240109
To improve the identification efficiency of concrete dam surface operation scenes, a new intelligent identification method (ResNet50-SEMSF) for typical scenes is developed. The collected monitoring video of the construction scenes is segmented into images, and their features-such as workers, machines, materials, environment, and other entity elements-are examined to define the typical scenes on a dam surface. With Residual Network 50 as the backbone network structure, a squeeze excitation attention mechanism is adopted to enhance the capability of expressing the key features of multi-target entity elements in the operation images. The down-sampling multi-scale features of an operation image are fused so as to retain its low-level features and high-level semantic information, enhance the model's capability of understanding the features at different levels, and overcome the difficulties in scale change and target deformation. With comparative analysis of the test results by other three convolutional neural network models, the Grad Class Activation Mapping visualisation method is used to illustrate the extent to which our new model focuses on information about the entity elements in the scene categories. The results show its recognition effect is significantly better than that of ResNet50, MobileNetV2 and VGG16 classical network models, characterising its feasibility and usefulness for concrete dam face operation in intelligent scene recognition and safety management.
2024 Vol. 43 (1): 99-108 [Abstract] ( 93 ) PDF (3762 KB)  ( 213 )
109 Rowe’s dilatancy equation and new derivation method
JIE Yuxin
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20240110
Shear dilation is one of the important characteristics of geomaterials. Rowe’s dilatancy equation is of a classic type, which reflects the dilatancy of coarse-grained soil, rock, and even concrete, featuring a simple form and fewer assumptions. It is widely acknowledged in the world and has been improved and developed by many researchers. However, some concepts in the previous derivation of this equation need to be discussed, and its separation planes of a tooth shape may mislead the readers. In this paper, the equation and its improvements and developments are reviewed, and a new derivation method using the concept of a reference plane is presented. It is thought that the new derivation is more rigorous in concept, and the investigation of these two methods sheds some light on our understanding of Rowe’s dilatancy equation.
2024 Vol. 43 (1): 109-123 [Abstract] ( 67 ) PDF (949 KB)  ( 241 )
124 Method for determining displacement monitoring indexes of arch dams based on stochastic back analysis of parameters
JIA Dongyan, MA Chunhui, YANG Jie, RAN Li, TONG Fei
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20240111
In determining the displacement monitoring indicators of a concrete arch dam, the traditional method did not consider the uncertainty of dam material parameters. This paper develops a new method for the determination of these indicators based on the results of stochastic parameter back analysis by combining the Bayesian inference theory, particle swarm optimization, and a long short-term memory network. We use the particle swarm optimization to optimize the long short-term memory network as the surrogate model, and derive a joint likelihood function using the displacement values measured at different monitoring points and the ones calculated by the surrogate model. With the prior distribution of material parameters given, we can use the Bayesian inference to calculate their posterior distribution. This distribution is used to calculate the dam displacement component due to water pressure; then the displacement monitoring index of the dam can be determined using displacement measurements. Analysis of engineering cases shows the Bayesian inference method gives accurate posterior results of the material parameters. The monitoring indicators, determined using the mixed method, fully utilize the results of stochastic back analysis and have better warning effects.
2024 Vol. 43 (1): 124-133 [Abstract] ( 72 ) PDF (2270 KB)  ( 182 )
134 Experimental study on characteristics and mechanism of dynamic vertical water added mass of underwater shaking table
ZHENG Renfeng, NIU Zhiwei
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20240112
Increasing demands for coupled seismic research of engineering structures and water bodies have promoted the construction and development of underwater shaking tables. The vertical hydrodynamic added mass and other characteristics of the tables affect their design and performance directly. This paper presents an experimental study of an underwater shaking table with an inertial mass block load of 20 tons under 135 working conditions of different inputs of excitation magnitudes, frequencies, and water depths, focusing on the characteristics of its vertical hydrodynamic added mass and on an analysis for preliminary explanation from the mechanism level. The test results show that a complicated correlation exists between the excitation magnitude and the hydrodynamic added mass, and grouping between different frequencies is observed. Water depth ratio (water depth over mesa diameter) is an important parameter to the design of a shaking table; different tables are different in the frequency inflection points at the minimum added mass. This study is a useful reference for the design of underwater shaking tables and the reliability of model tests.
2024 Vol. 43 (1): 134-142 [Abstract] ( 77 ) PDF (3496 KB)  ( 142 )
143 Study on erosion mechanism of Limnoperna fortunei on concrete in water transmission engineering
ZHANG Sherong, YAN Juntao, MA Zi’ao, ZHANG Jikang, WANG Chao, WANG Xiaohua
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20240113
The adhesion of Limnoperna fortunei to the inner concrete walls of a water transmission building causes the deterioration of concrete performance. Its adhesion law and erosion mechanism is of great value for the prevention and control of it. This study examines the behaviors of L. fortunei inside a water transmission building, focusing on its adhesion law, foot invasion mechanism, and spatial differences in length, and analyzes its influence on the physical properties of concrete through hardness tests and erosion depth tests on concrete in-situ. We reveal the micro mechanism of concrete erosion by L. fortunei based on a comparison of the micro morphologies, chemical element changes, and XRD diffraction patterns of the concrete before and after erosion; A phase transformation mechanism of the eroded concrete is suggested. The results show the attachment density of L. fortunei exhibits a decay trend from the inlet to outlet inside an aqueduct. Its attachment density inside an inverted siphon fluctuates along the way, but is generally stable; A positive correlation is observed between its vertical separation force and body length, and the latter features long in the south and short in the north in a large scale space, with a difference of 10mm. Under its long-term adhesion, a concrete surface suffers a decrease in material hardness and an increase in erosion depth; the micro morphology is loose and porous. Erosion causes a loss of Ca and Fe elements and creates silica, a major product of concrete.
2024 Vol. 43 (1): 143-152 [Abstract] ( 79 ) PDF (1735 KB)  ( 346 )
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