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2019 Vol. 38, No. 12
Published: 2019-12-25

1 Spatiotemporal variations in side bars related to runoff in two typical braided reaches in the Yangtze River source region
JIANG Changbo, RAN Shaohua, LI Zhiwei
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20191201
The flat valleys of braided channels in the Yangtze River source region are about 1 - 3 km wide and feature with well developed side bars attaching to two banks, and their morphologic variations are strongly affected by the runoff. This paper uses Landsat imagery and hydrological data to analyze and compare these variations, and demonstrate three types of stable, sub-stable, and active side bars. We define a percentage change in the morphology of active side bars to describe their quantitative variations and reveal its two peak values ? 80% due to erosion and up to 300% due to deposition. Our analysis shows that the main factors affecting side bar morphology are river discharge and high water duration. In large discharge periods, overbank flow erosion cuts a side bar through and causes a sudden decrease in its elevation, thereby dividing the bar into new central bars and new side bars; in low discharge, as water level drops and deposition occurs, central bars and side bars are merging together, leading to an instant increase in side bar area and a drastic percentage change of active side bars.
2019 Vol. 38 (12): 1-10 [Abstract] ( 222 ) PDF (2885 KB)  ( 465 )
11 Application of unmanned intelligent technologies in underwater topographic survey of stilling basins
WANG Haoran, WANG Shuang, CHEN Yongcan, LI Yonglong, LIU Zhaowei, LIN Xiangyang, WU Xuefei
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20191202
The combined method of Global Positioning System-Real Time Kinematic (GPS-RTK) and a depth sounder is an important technology in modern underwater topographic measurement. This study integrates this method with unmanned boat technology to construct an unmanned measurement system suitable for underwater topographic survey of stilling basins. The system was applied to the practical measurement of the Tingzikou stilling basin. This paper focuses on a systematical discussion on its working principle, standardized operation flow, and three-dimensional construction method. Combining with the survey data and a three-dimensional model, we analyze elevation parameters for the selected sections: spillway dam, apron, tail sill, end section, and after-end river channel. The results show that the structure of this stilling basin is complete and sediment deposition over the section from the dam to tail sill is not obvious. And in the basin, no noticeable accumulation or structural anomaly is detected, but the elevation of end section and after-end river channel is increased significantly due to accumulation of bedrocks and cofferdam gravels. Application of unmanned measurement technology improves the acquisition accuracy and timeliness of underwater topographic survey.
2019 Vol. 38 (12): 11-18 [Abstract] ( 154 ) PDF (1385 KB)  ( 677 )
19 Multichannel measurement method of suspended sediment concentration based on optical fiber sensing
HUANG Rui, ZHANG Qinghe, XING Enbo, QI Pengfei, LIU Weiwei
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20191203
Based on the principle of optical backscatter, this study develops a multi-channel device for sediment concentration measurement using micro-sensors of optical fiber. The device has a small-size probe of only 2.5 mm in diameter and produces a very slight effect on the motion of fluid to measure. It also has the advantages of large range, high sampling frequency, and synchronous measurement of multi-channels, satisfying the requirement of most laboratory experiments. The measurement range and accuracy can be adjusted by tuning light source intensity to meet the needs of different measurements. Calibration using suspended silt with a median particle diameter of 46.5 micron shows that silt concentration of up to 150 kg/m3 can be measured. The device was successfully applied to synchronous measurement of multi-channel concentration for silt suspension in the flows of homogeneous turbulence on an oscillating grid flume.
2019 Vol. 38 (12): 19-27 [Abstract] ( 239 ) PDF (710 KB)  ( 518 )
28 Study on numerical simulation strategy of vertical pipe intake/outlet
ZHANG Han, SUN Bowen, GAO Xueping, QIN Zixue, ZHU Hongtao, CHEN Hao
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20191204
Numerical simulation is widely used in hydraulic design of the intake/outlet of pumped storage power stations, but its accuracy varies with the differences in mesh resolutions and turbulence models adopted. This paper evaluates these two types of errors by comparing three mesh scales and four commonly-used turbulence models through numerical simulations of the vertical intake/outlet flows at the Xilongchi hydropower station. And influence of mesh accuracy on head loss coefficient and velocity non-uniformity coefficient, among other hydraulic indexes, is analyzed for the inflow and outflow working modes of the intake/outlet. We use a grid convergence index to estimate the errors of the four turbulence models on different mesh scales and determine which scale is optimal, and examine their applicability to calculations of the two coefficients and orifice velocity distribution. The results show that all the four models on the three mesh scales satisfy convergence criteria, and mesh accuracy improves most significantly when the orifice grid size is refined from 0.05D to 0.03D. Because the results at 0.03D are close to converged solutions, further refinement has little effect on computational accuracy. Realizable is shown to be more accurate in predicting the hydraulic indexes of flows in both working modes, with prediction errors of about 5%. The results help improve accuracy in CFD calculations of vertical pipe intakes/outlets.
2019 Vol. 38 (12): 28-39 [Abstract] ( 139 ) PDF (2949 KB)  ( 493 )
40 Effect of accelerating flow on downstream migration behaviors of juvenile grass carps of different body lengths
WANG Lei, WANG Yu, LIN Chenyu, TAN Junjun, LI Minne, ZHOU Yuanmiao, HU Xiao, SHI Xiaotao, LIU Guoyong
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20191205
Accelerating flow, a characteristic flow field that a fish must face during its downstream migration, usually occurs in fishway facilities at hydropower stations. This study examines the effect of accelerating flows on the downstream migration behaviours of juvenile grass carps (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) of different body lengths (5.75 - 9.48 cm). We focus on accumulative pass rate, time of first arrival at the acceleration zone, and time proportion of staying in the non-acceleration zone to acceleration zone, and compare two different flow accelerations (at 0.29 and 0.59 m/s2). The results show that at acceleration of 0.59 m/s2, the fishes of 7.55 - 9.48 cm long have the highest pass rate; while at 0.29 m/s2, the fishes of 5.57 - 6.48 cm long have the highest rate. In the former case, the time of first arrival is the shortest, indicating stronger downstream migration motivation. And under different flow accelerations, passing the upstream non-acceleration zone always causes a delay effect on downstream migration.
2019 Vol. 38 (12): 40-48 [Abstract] ( 163 ) PDF (616 KB)  ( 468 )
49 New intelligent optimization algorithms for estimating frequency curve parameters of annual precipitation
WANG Bo, SONG Songbai, XIA Jide, HE Haochuan
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20191206
To calculate the frequency distribution parameters of annual precipitation with different frequency distributions, traditional estimation methods need to derive complicated formulas. This paper uses new intelligent optimization algorithms for estimating such parameters to improve estimation accuracy. Three algorithms, self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm based on opposition-based learning (OL-ADE), dragonfly algorithm (DA), and hybrid genetic and particle swarm algorithm (HGAPSO), are applied to calculation of the distribution parameters according to the optimization criteria for the annual precipitation series of the meteorological stations of Meixian, Fengxian, and Fengxiang in Shaanxi. And estimation results of the three above mentioned methods and three traditional methods are evaluated using the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS). The results show that compared to traditional methods, three intelligent optimization algorithms fit better with the annual precipitation frequency distribution parameters, the accuracy of HGAPSO is best, and DA and OL-ADE are comparable.
2019 Vol. 38 (12): 49-60 [Abstract] ( 170 ) PDF (1160 KB)  ( 548 )
61 Study on stochastic flood simulation method considering peak shape and its frequency
YAN Xiaoran, WANG Liping, ZHANG Yanke, YU Hongjie, LI Ningning
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20191207
Previous flood simulation methods only consider correlations among flood peak, volume and duration, but neglect the influence of flood characteristics on the shape of flood hydrograph. This paper describes a stochastic flood simulation method considering the shape of flood peak and its frequency by introducing peak shape coefficient and peak time. The copula function is used to construct a joint distribution function of these variables and simulates them though stochastic simulation. By calculating closeness degree, we can obtain the representative types of dimensionless flood hydrographs that are the closest to the stochastic simulations, and then achieve a complete flood hydrograph through combining the two functions and apply it to numerical simulations for flood control and dispatching. Case studies of the Dalong reservoir show that our method comprehensively considers the major factors that affect flood process. And the frequency of each simulated peak type is close to that of the measured flood, and the calculated risk rate of flood control is not much different from its real value. Thus the method is useful for formulation of reservoir dispatching schemes and risk analysis.
2019 Vol. 38 (12): 61-72 [Abstract] ( 191 ) PDF (542 KB)  ( 435 )
73 Quantitative analysis of impacts of environment changes on runoff in upper Han River
YANG Qian, LIU Dengfeng, MENG Xianmeng, HUANG Qiang, LIN Mu
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20191208
To study the hydrological responses of a river basin to environment changes such as climate and land use changes is of great value to water resources utilization. This paper presents a quantitative analysis on the contribution rates of climate change and human activities to runoff change, using seven elasticity methods based on the Budyko framework and a SWAT model. In a case study of the upper Han River upstream of the Shiquan hydrological station, various scenarios of climate change and land use change are examined. The results show that annual runoff at this station underwent a decreasing trend. Climate change accounted for 65.3% - 68.1% of the runoff decrease and human activities for 31.9% - 34.7%, indicating that climate change was the major factor causing the runoff decrease in recent 56 years. Simulations of the climate change scenarios show that precipitation is the dominant factor in the runoff change, and that the annual runoff increases in the scenarios of natural land use growth and extreme grassland but decreases in the scenarios of farmland return to forest, extreme cultivated land, and extreme woodland.
2019 Vol. 38 (12): 73-84 [Abstract] ( 166 ) PDF (1649 KB)  ( 552 )
85 Influence of governor parameters on stability of hydropower dominant system and its setting
YANG Ruopu, CHEN Yiping, LI Chongtao, ZHANG Yong, TANG Zhuoyao, YANG Rongzhao, HUANG Jiyu
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20191209
Frequency oscillations tend to occur in a hydropower units-dominated primary frequency regulating system. In setting PID parameters of the turbine governor, small disturbances in the stability of frequency is often taken as the objective of optimization. This paper presents an analysis of the influence of PID parameters on frequency oscillation torque and low-frequency oscillation torque using a damped torque method. To suppress the frequency oscillations, adjusting PID parameters was found aggravate low-frequency oscillations in the system, which was verified using a four-machine two-zone system. Finally, a parameter tuning method was developed for hydropower dominant systems that can improve the frequency stability of the systems without deteriorating weakly-damped low-frequency oscillation modes.
2019 Vol. 38 (12): 85-93 [Abstract] ( 146 ) PDF (860 KB)  ( 404 )
94 Study on influence of throttled surge tank with long link pipe on water hammer passing through it
ZHANG Xuelan, ZHANG Jian, WANG Xingtao, LI Nan
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20191210
To study the pressure diversion system of a throttled surge tank connected to a long link pipe, the influence of the pipe length on water hammer passing through the tank was examined and derive an equation for the coefficient of water hammer was derived simulating a system of a case study project. With a link pipe shorter than 10% of the diversion tunnel length, water hammer coefficient, peak pressure at the end of volute, and peak pressure in the tunnel were found to vary in the ranges of 10%, 1% and 2% respectively. If the pipe length exceeds this 10% threshold under certain layout requirement, its influence should be considered and tunnel lining requirement be modified accordingly. The coefficient decreases with the increasing diameter of the link pipe or the impedance hole, depending more on the latter. For impedance holes with small diameters, the coefficient can be significantly reduced if the pipe takes the same diameter, whereas it is smaller if the pipe has a slightly larger size than the impedance hole for large impedance holes.
2019 Vol. 38 (12): 94-101 [Abstract] ( 131 ) PDF (431 KB)  ( 498 )
102 Study on particle breakage and deformation characteristics of calcareous sand under impact loading
XIN Pengfei, LI Sa, WU Wenjuan
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20191211
Particle breakage is a problem often encountered in piling, compaction, rolling and other reinforcements of calcareous sand foundation, imposing a significant impact on the physical and mechanical properties of sand particles. This study conducts impact loading tests on calcareous sand, and compares it to the quartz sand with the same grading. Results show that attrition and abrasion are the major patterns of particle breakage in the initial loading stage of the two types of sand, while in the later stage, only a slight abrasion can be observed for quartz sand but calcareous sand still has obvious attrition. Fractal dimension analysis reveals that in low cumulative energy, calcareous sand features a dimension larger than quartz sand; but with the energy increasing, its dimension will be gradually exceeded by the latter. The fitting curves of fractal dimension versus breakage rate of the two sands are linear. During an impact loading, the ratio of the volume change over the breakage rate of quartz sand reaches a steady state that develops into fractal distributions. Under the conditions of this test, the volume of both sands and the numerical change in their breaking rate vary with energy input.
2019 Vol. 38 (12): 102-111 [Abstract] ( 101 ) PDF (2470 KB)  ( 687 )
112 Mechanical properties of saturated remolded loess under partial drainage conditions
ZHANG Lin, CHEN Cunli, ZHANG Dengfei, PANG Tengteng, YOU Zilong, SUN Peina
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20191212
Aiming at the investigation of partial soil drainage under loading conditions of engineering projects in loess areas, we conduct triaxial tests of saturated loess samples using a muti-functional GDS stress path triaxial apparatus, and examine the strength of saturated remolded loess under different drainage conditions. Results show that as the strain increment ratio increases, the strength increases while the excess pore water pressure generated through shearing decreases. The influence of partial drainage on soil strength is in two aspects: one is that the load condition, or the effective stress path of soil, makes the loading mode of drainage different from that of water absorption; the other is the soil property, i.e., the volume deformation characteristics influence the development of shear dilatation and thereby affects the internal friction angle of soil so that finally the soil develops into an asymptotic state. Based on the present experimental data, we analyze the variation trends in stress path and asymptotic state under different drainage conditions, adjust the calculation method of limit stress ratios, and obtain a linear relationship equation of limit stress ratio versus strain increment ratio of saturated remolded loess.
2019 Vol. 38 (12): 112-120 [Abstract] ( 106 ) PDF (677 KB)  ( 527 )
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