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2015 Vol. 34, No. 8
Published: 2015-08-25

1 Dam construction 4.0
LI Qingbin, SHI Jie
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150801
With the manufacturing industry transitioned from informatization to smart era in industry 4.0, dam construction is on its way to intellectualization. Based on a review of dam construction process in China, this paper summarizes characteristics of dam construction technology over typical stages. Four stages of construction technology are classified, namely, mechanization, automation, digitization and intellectualization. With the rapid development of computer technology, i.e. internet, automatic control and simulation technology, the concept of dam construction is changing from human centered pattern to digital and intelligent mode. Digital dam system is still improving, which will contribute to transformation of the construction type from digitization to intellectualization. Dam construction 4.0 introduces the mode of servo-control and initiates intelligent construction theories for super high arch dams, which have been successfully applied to the no-crack construction of Xiluodu dam.
2015 Vol. 34 (8): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 281 ) PDF (455 KB)  ( 772 )
7 Study on multi-objective particle swarm optimization of concrete-placement sequencing for high arch dam
ZHONG Denghua,CHENG Pu,REN Bingyu,GUAN Tao,LIU Xiaojun
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150802
Concrete-placement sequencing method is a key link in the construction of high concrete arch dams. How to find a reasonable placement sequencing scheme through optimizing the progress and proportionality of concrete-placement construction is an interesting issue, but the current methods cannot effectively solve such a multi-objective problem. In this work, we have developed a multi-objective optimization model that incorporates the factors of concrete pouring and the sequencing schemes as variables and optimizes the objectives of time limit, month pouring strength, and pouring machine utilization. It adopts a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm to solve the multi-objective problem. Application of our model in a case study shows that the placing sequence can be optimized and optimal schemes can be found by using Pareto optimal solutions and an optimization technique of approximating ideal solution (AIS). The results are better than those calculated by traditional simulation method and the new method presented would make a significant improvement on on-site construction of concrete dams.
2015 Vol. 34 (8): 7-17 [Abstract] ( 172 ) PDF (496 KB)  ( 396 )
18 Space-time effects of pipe cooling by dynamic control
LIU Jun, LI Hongye, ZHANG Yongtao
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150803
Thermal crack is one of the main causes of concrete structure cracking. Pipe cooling is a very common and effective measure in temperature control of concrete structures. But in actual construction, there often remain some issues about pipe cooling, such as large temperature difference between cooling water and concrete, large temperature gradient in concrete, sharp rate of concrete cooling, etc. To improve the existing cooling technique, this paper presents a space-time dynamic control method of a real dam construction project and the corresponding FEM simulation results using a heat-flux coupling algorithm, focusing on sensitivity analysis of cooling duration, temperature of cooling water, water discharge, and direction of flow. In comparison with the traditional method, this new cooling method is proved to be superior in calculation of temperature and stress distributions in concrete. Details of the control parameters and procedure of our dynamic-control method are included.
2015 Vol. 34 (8): 18-26 [Abstract] ( 245 ) PDF (573 KB)  ( 367 )
27 Plastic analysis for flexural capacity of steel fiber-reinforced high-strength concrete four-pile caps
GAO Danying,LEI Jie,FAN Hua
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150804
This paper presents an analysis on the failure mode and failure mechanism of steel fiber-reinforced high-strength concrete (SFHSC) four-pile caps based on flexural experiments. By the test results, we have selected three failure mechanisms for detailed analysis and derived formulas for plastic calculation of flexural capacity of this structure under the three mechanisms using yield line theory, with the effect of the characteristic values of steel fiber contents included in the formulas. Comparison shows a good agreement of the flexural capacity of the structure calculated by the formulas with measurements. The results would lay a basis for the design and application of SFHSC pile caps.
2015 Vol. 34 (8): 27-34 [Abstract] ( 173 ) PDF (417 KB)  ( 254 )
35 Evolution of water allocation scheme for the mainstream of Yellow River and multiple stream model analysis
HU Zhidan,ZHENG Hang,WANG Zhongjing
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150805
The Yellow River, the largest river in the North of China, is the first river to implement a water allocation scheme. The Yellow River water allocation scheme, or Scheme 1987 in short, was approved in 1987 by the State Council, which was the very first whole basin level water allocation scheme in China.It allocates a total volume of 58 billion m3 of water to the 11 provinces along the river and its ecosystem, and lays the foundation of integrated water regulation of the Yellow River. The authors have investigated the historical background for the establishment of Scheme 1987 and analyzed the processes and dynamics of the development of this scheme using a multiple stream model. Based on this, it drew some valuable experience and guidance from Scheme 1987 to the development of water right system and the reform of water resources management system for other basins. Recommendations for improvement of the scheme were put forward. It is found that Scheme 1987 is scientifically sound and visionary and it enables the Yellow River water resources to be allocated efficiently and fairly among all of the water demanding regions. Generally, severe shortage of water resources inspires a strong demand for water allocation, and a reasonable allocation scheme with a feasible implementation mechanism provide a necessary basis in the case of such severe shortage. During the long-term and repeating consultation process in drafting the allocation scheme, the impartial and authoritative decisions from government become a major contributing factor to the scheme formulation. The historical development of Scheme 1987 also reveals that only by coupling three independent streams, i.e. problem stream, political stream and policy stream, can the implementation of the Yellow River water allocation scheme be most effective.
2015 Vol. 34 (8): 35-43 [Abstract] ( 236 ) PDF (398 KB)  ( 375 )
44 Influence of joint scheduling of Wu River’s upstream reservoirs on hydrological regime of downstream Dongfeng Reservoir
WANG Xiao, PANG Yong, NIU Yong, WEI Yuting
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150806
With continuous development of hydropower on the Wu River, the regulating functions of its upstream reservoirs show great impacts on the hydrological environment and flood defense of a downstream reservoir. This paper develops mathematical models for this river and demonstrates their applications to simulation of the hydrodynamics that are influenced by the scheduling conditions of upstream reservoirs, focusing on influences of joint scheduling on the runoff and storage capacity of the Dongfeng reservoir. The results show that: 1) the inflow of Dongfeng is affected by the operation of upstream reservoirs and its seasonal variations are reduced, with the annual mean high-low inflow ratio decreasing from 5.75 to 4.22 when the upstream Yinzidu operates and further up to 1.96 when both Yinzidu and Hongjiadu are jointly operated and scheduled. 2) The pressure of flood control on Dongfeng can be relieved by running the upstream reservoirs. Its capacity increases by 14.4% and 38.7% in the above two cases respectively. Furthermore, the hydrological environment of Dongfeng can be improved by joint operation of the two cascade reservoirs upstream, thus playing a better role in flood control and power generation.
2015 Vol. 34 (8): 44-51 [Abstract] ( 239 ) PDF (783 KB)  ( 610 )
52 Study on staged reservoir operation chart of hydropower station
XIE Yangyang, HUANG Qiang, ZHANG Jietan, WANG Yimin, LIU Saiyan
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150807
To increase power output of hydropower plants, a staged operation chart is presented in this paper to better represent the output capabilities in different seasons. We elaborate a basic principle and drawing method of the staged chart, and determine the hydrologic year, high-flow season, and low-flow season of the study catchment. Then, an optimal operation model is developed to maximize the total power output of the cascaded hydropower plants. Finally, we test this chart method via a case study of the cascaded plants on the Datong River. Results show that the staged operation chart is better than the routine operation chart and could provide a new way for the operation of hydropower plants.
2015 Vol. 34 (8): 52-61 [Abstract] ( 260 ) PDF (891 KB)  ( 405 )
62 Impact of planned development in Zhoushan new district on sea water quality
HU Yi, WANG Shoudong, XU Honglei
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150808
The water quality of the sea near Zhoushan Islands is significantly lowered in recent years, and the main pollutants are inorganic nitrogen and active phosphate. Numerical simulations have been conducted in this work to examine the water quality of this sea region, focusing on the possible impacts by implementing a planned development in a new district of Zhoushan. The results show that external pollution sources are the major cause of the existing pollution in the sea region. The water quality will be considerably improved by implementing the planned development in the future if the local emission in the Zhoushan district is reduced as planned. However, measures of pollution control, such as classification of pollutants and discharge management, should still be strengthened.
2015 Vol. 34 (8): 62-70 [Abstract] ( 213 ) PDF (1388 KB)  ( 413 )
71 Effect of different outlet shapes of spillway tunnel on ski-jump energy dissipation
WANG Yingkui, JIANG Chunb2, LIAO Renqian1, YANG Yajun
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150809
Spillway tunnel has been adopted in a great number of large hydro-power stations to discharge flood water. For a ski-jump energy dissipator that is often used on spillway tunnels, its energy dissipation significantly depends on the shape of flip bucket. This paper presents a comparative study on different outlet shapes of spillway tunnel, focusing on an analysis of their energy dissipation effects for an actual hydropower station in design. We have conducted hydraulic model tests and suggested optimal shapes of flip bucket through comparison of the impact pressure and flow velocity in the plunge pool. The results are useful for enhancing the energy dissipation effect and operation safety of spillway tunnels.
2015 Vol. 34 (8): 71-77 [Abstract] ( 289 ) PDF (505 KB)  ( 462 )
78 Numerical study on discharge capacity of piano-key weir at its different overflow edges
LI Guodong,MIAO Zhou,GAO Bei, CHEN Gang
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150810
Piano-key weir (PKW) is an innovated labyrinth weir that was proposed at the beginning of this century. It has a greatly-reduced base owing to its overhanging shape, and can be placed on all types of dams. With a super discharge capacity, it is an effective solution to the dams that have an insufficient flood-discharge ability. The excellent discharge capacity of PKWs has been verified by previous laboratory experiments, but the results did not distinguish the contributions of different overflow edges to the total capacity and the corresponding complex flow features are not fully understood yet. This paper presents an analysis on the overflow characteristics of PKWs using numerical simulations of 3D turbulent flows and VOF free-surface capturing. Results show that the simulated discharges agree well with experiments. At low head the discharge capacity increases almost linearly with the length of overflow edge, while at high head it decreases gradually. We obtained the discharges over the outlet, inlet and side edges of the PKW, along with their proportions in the total discharge, analyzed the relationship of discharge efficiency versus head rising, and examined the mechanism of variations in discharge efficiency with flow patterns. This work would deepen our understanding of discharge characteristics of piano-key weirs at different overflow edges and suggest possible directions of optimizing piano-key weir shape.
2015 Vol. 34 (8): 78-85 [Abstract] ( 260 ) PDF (491 KB)  ( 633 )
86 Pressure fluctuations of pump turbine in turbine mode under low head
LI Renian, TAN Haiyan, LI Qifei, HAN Wei, JIANNG Lei
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150811
A numerical model of a low-head pump turbine has been developed to study its characteristics of pressure fluctuations using a realizable k-ε turbulence model, focusing on full-passage simulations of the unsteady flows for four guide vane opening conditions, i.e., a0=29mm, 33mm, 37mm, and 41mm. Pressure signals at four sampling points were compared with experimental measurements. The results show that this turbulence model has a good overall performance and its accuracy is better in the cases of larger openings. Generally, pressure fluctuations tend to be weaker at larger openings, and pressure signals at the opening of 29mm show the strongest fluctuations of the four openings. Because the rotating wheel causes a rotor-stator interaction in the flow passage from the guide vanes through the runner to the draft tube, pressure fluctuations are periodic at the sampling points in the two vaneless spaces: the section between the guide vanes and runner, and the cone section of draft tube. The dominant frequencies of these time variations are equal to the frequency of blade passing through, and at the sampling points in the cone section a peak value appears on the amplitude-frequency curves. Due to the vortex strip in draft tube, the dominant frequencies at the sampling points in bent pipe are 0.17~0.56 times of the frequency of runner passing through.
2015 Vol. 34 (8): 86-91 [Abstract] ( 160 ) PDF (468 KB)  ( 533 )
92 Study on axial spacings between inducer and impeller of centrifugal pump
LU Jinling,DENG Jia,XU Yirong,FENG Jianjun,LUO Xingqi
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150812
The axial spacing between the inducer and impeller of a centrifugal pump influences the flow in the impeller section and the pump performance. To study these influences, we have numerically simulated the unsteady flows in a single-stage centrifugal pump with its pre-inducer and impeller installed at three different axial spacings, and analyzed the external characteristics, radial force on impeller, pressure fluctuations, and cavitation characteristics. Results show that in the range of the axial spacings examined, an increase in spacing leads to an increase in working head and efficiency, with the maximum variations being 1.8% and 4.3% respectively. Variation in the axial spacing modifies the interaction between the impeller and guide vanes, and thus it can influence the magnitude and direction of the radial force on the impeller to some extent. For cavitation performance, an increase in the spacing from 0.05D1 to 0.1D1 results in a significant improvement, while a further increase up to 0.15D1 shows a negative effect. In addition, the frequency and amplitude in pressure fluctuations at the impeller inlet is affected directly.
2015 Vol. 34 (8): 92-97 [Abstract] ( 209 ) PDF (387 KB)  ( 452 )
98 A single-point iterative method and its convergence for simulating hydropower station transient process
MEN Chuangshe,NAN Haipeng,WU Luochang,MAO Xiaoshu
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150813
Hydraulic turbine models are the most complicated in the simulation of hydraulic transient process. They are typically solved with an iterative method, but numerical divergence frequently occurs in the calculation. To overcome this problem, this paper describes a new single-point iterative procedure that is optimized to improve the convergence of hydraulic turbine models. A maximum step size has been analytically derived for numerical iteration, and the influence of various parameters of the hydraulic turbine on convergence analyzed. Results show that this new method can greatly reduce the numerical divergence and would provide a reliable theoretical basis for modeling hydraulic turbines.
2015 Vol. 34 (8): 98-103 [Abstract] ( 176 ) PDF (321 KB)  ( 306 )
104 Terminal sliding mode control of hydro-turbine governing system
WANG Bin, LI Zhengyong, LI Fei, ZHU Delan
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150814
Unstable operation of a hydro-turbine governing system causes its power units to loss safety and stability. The increasing demands for stability is often in conflict with difficulties in practical operation control. This study has focused on the stability control of such a system. First, a whole nonlinear model of a hydro-turbine governing system was developed by using a modular approach, the simulation showed that the system was unstable. Then, based on the Lyapunov stability theorem and finite time control theory, a terminal sliding mode control method was proposed to avoid the singularity of traditional terminal sliding surface, and a hydro-turbine governor was designed to eliminate the unstablity of the system based on the method. Finally, Matlab simulations verified the effectiveness and rapid response of the hydro-turbine governor. This study would provide a useful reference for stability control of actual hydropower units.
2015 Vol. 34 (8): 104-112 [Abstract] ( 176 ) PDF (480 KB)  ( 320 )
113 Strength analysis of rotational parts of hydroelectric unit under seismic loads based on ARMD and FSI
ZHU Li, LAI Xide, GOU Qiuqin, PENG Yuerong, TANG Jian
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150815
For more accurate and comprehensive analysis of the strength of rotating parts of a hydroelectric unit, first we numerically simulated the three-dimensional flow field in the hydraulic turbine using a CFD code. Then, with the calculation results used as initial conditions, simulations of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) were made to calculate the strength of each part under static loads and seismic loads separately. To calculate the dynamic coefficient of guide bearings, which have complicated structures with stiffness and damping factor varying significantly with the movement, a code of advanced rotating machinery dynamics (ARMD) was adopted. The results show that the method presented in this paper gives an accurate evaluation on the structural strength of a turbine and thus it is useful for the operation reliability analysis of those hydroelectric units that experienced earthquake disasters.
2015 Vol. 34 (8): 113-118 [Abstract] ( 192 ) PDF (538 KB)  ( 445 )
119 An energy-saving index system for comprehensive evaluation on pumped storage power station
ZENG Jiang,HUANG Haiying,LIU Haisheng,WU Shaochen,DENG Fuliang
DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20150816
This paper formulates an energy-saving index system of pumped storage power stations, and develops a dynamic algorithm of comprehensive energy level evaluation on the stations using a comprehensive method of objective and subjective weighting. Using historical data, this method can achieve a comprehensive evaluation on the energy levels over multiple operation periods. We demonstrate the energy flow structure and operation characteristics of a pumped storage station to formulate the index system, then determine synthesized weights for each index using G1 method and vertical scatter degree method. A margin method is adopted for the observed index values, and a linear projection method is used to nondimensionalize the indicators that are quantified with a triangle fuzzy matrix. Finally, we can calculate the linearly-weighted indexes of the energy level for the power station operated in each period. The performance of this model and its evaluation results are verified via an application to a pumped storage power station.
2015 Vol. 34 (8): 119-128 [Abstract] ( 238 ) PDF (363 KB)  ( 712 )
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