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Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8): 20-29.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20220803

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Study on micro-oscillator energy capture characteristics of typical semi-submersible platform structure


  • Online:2022-08-25 Published:2022-08-25

Abstract: Semi-submersible platform has a broad application prospect in the field of marine resources development, but there exists a problem of insufficient energy supply for platform equipment. In this study, a common semi-submersible platform is simplified into three typical floating foundations, and a wave power generation device is integrated into the foundation, so that a motion equation can be derived to couple the foundation and its floats. A hydrodynamic simulation code, i.e. AQWA, is used to carry out numerical simulations and parametric analysis, and the effects of several factors on the float’s energy capturing characteristics are obtained-wave incidence, the cross-sectional shape of the floating foundation, its diameter, and its distance to the foundation. The results show that for the microarray float, a four-prism foundation can enhance its energy capture in a specific wave incidence, while a three-prism shape makes it better adapted to wave excitation from all directions. A cylindrical floating foundation has a significant masking effect, weakening the float’s energy capture to a large extent. Wave incidence has a great influence on the floats around a four-prism or three-prism foundation, but little influence on the floats based on the cylindrical foundation. The average power output of a microarray float can be improved significantly by increasing its diameter or its distance to the cylindrical foundation.

Key words: wave energy, microarray float, floating foundation, AQWA simulation, semi-submersible platform

Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering
Supported by:Beijing Magtech