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JOURNAL OF HYDROELECTRIC ENGINEERING ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (9): 60-74.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20170907

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Effect of training strategies on fluvial process in lower Yellow main stream under hydrological changes


  • Online:2017-09-25 Published:2017-09-25

Abstract: Adjustment of river training strategy for the Lower Yellow River (LYR) has become an issue of major concerns, especially under the condition of remarkable changes in its hydrological features. This work was aimed at the impacts of different training strategies using a one-dimensional model. Starting from an initial bed topography based on the in-situ cross section measurements completed in 2013 and adopting the input hydrographs in three representative hydrological scenarios, we simulated the next 50 years’ fluvial process in a long reach that will take two training measures, i.e. wide channel training and narrow channel training, focusing on accumulative riverbed erosion and deposition, its distribution along the channel, and bankfull discharge. The results show that if the existing trend of runoff and sediment yield decreasing keeps unchanged in this period, a favorable riverbed morphology can be expected no matter what strategy is adopted, especially in the narrow channel case that will reduce more sedimentation. However, if the incoming sediment recovers to the mean level of last century, channel shrinkage due to sedimentation inevitably occurs in either case of wide or narrow channel training. This study also shows that narrow channel training will reduce the overall deposition over the long reach of the lower Yellow but it will lead to more aggradation in the transitional reach and hence worsen its hump deposition, which needs further study.

Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering
Supported by:Beijing Magtech