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水力发电学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 89-97.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20160411

• 水力发电学报 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2016-04-25 发布日期:2016-04-25

Roadbed deformation on reservoir bank for Jin'anqiao hydropower station

  • Online:2016-04-25 Published:2016-04-25

Abstract: At the present time, many roads are built along a riverbank or reservoir bank. But changes in groundwater table as responses to the changes in reservoir stage, could cause the roadbed to subside or uplift, even into uneven deformation, resulting in failure of pavement structures and even landslides. In this work taking the study case of Jin'anqiao reservoir, a two-dimensional saturated-unsaturated seepage model for slopes in the reservoir region has been developed to simulate the time evolution of seepage flow in the conditions of water stage fluctuations, and to analyze the corresponding unsaturated subsidence of reservoir bank roadbeds, along with the influence of changes in reservoir stage on roadbed subsidence or uplift. The results show that the roadbed deformation is related to the fluctuations in reservoir stage and its time rate of change. First, the reservoir bank roadbeds and slopes take uplift deformation as reservoir stage rises, while they take subsidence deformation as the stage falls. Second, the subsidence or uplift of the slopes and roadbeds closer to reservoir bank depend more on the fluctuations in reservoir stage than do those farther away from the bank. Finally, there exists a positive correlation between the subsidence of reservoir bank roadbeds and the falling rate of reservoir stage.

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