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水力发电学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 111-123.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20250109

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  • 出版日期:2025-01-25 发布日期:2025-01-25

Tapping water supply potential of Tarim River basin based on water loss reduction and control

  • Online:2025-01-25 Published:2025-01-25

摘要: 为缓解干旱荒漠区生活、生产、生态用水之间的矛盾,以塔里木河流域的阿克苏河、和田河、叶尔羌河三条源流以及干流为研究对象,针对流域蒸发渗漏损失严重、源流与干流水量分配失衡等问题,以河道与平原水库的蒸发渗漏水量损失减控为抓手,结合重大水利工程布局与调整,建立并求解了2018现状、2025近期、2035远期规划水平年水资源配置的模拟与优化模型。从山区水库替代平原水库的新角度进行水资源配置,有效减少了河流及水库的蒸发渗漏损失,并挖掘2025、2035水平年流域供水潜力3.50亿m3、4.96亿m3,可新增灌溉面积3.13万ha、4.52万ha,极大程度地缓解了源流区与干流区用水矛盾,为地区经济社会发展、国家粮食安全战略提供助力。

关键词: 水资源配置, 水量损失减控, 河损与库损, 供水潜力, 塔里木河流域

Abstract: To address the conflicting water demands by life, production, and ecology in arid and desert regions, this study focuses on three major tributaries (the Aksu, Hotan, and Yarkand Rivers) of the Tarim River and its mainstream, where significant issues have emerged-excessive evaporation and seepage losses over the entire basin, and imbalanced water distribution between the tributaries and the mainstream. We develop simulation and optimization models for water resource allocation through coupling with the layout and adjustment of major water conservancy projects, and solve them for the years of 2018, 2025, and 2035. To address the issues above, engineering measures are explored for reduction and control of the evaporation and seepage losses in river channels and plain reservoirs. Results show that water resource allocation aimed at replacing plain reservoirs with mountain reservoirs effectively reduces evaporation and leakage losses, with an increase in water supply potential of 350 million m3 and 496 million m3 and an irrigation area increase of 31.3 thousand ha and 45.2 thousand ha in years of 2025 and 2035, respectively. This greatly alleviates the conflicts between water uses from the source streams and main stream, and helps promote regional economic and social development and implement the national food security strategy.

Key words: water resource allocation, reduction and control of water losses, water losses of rivers and reservoirs, water supply potential, Tarim River basin

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