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水力发电学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 30-40.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20250103

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  • 出版日期:2025-01-25 发布日期:2025-01-25

Intelligent method for binding construction process and budget estimate in hydropower projects

  • Online:2025-01-25 Published:2025-01-25

摘要: 概算定额和机械定额是施工资源分析和工程概算编制的基础。传统的工序和定额人工绑定,低效繁琐且容易出错。本文在建立定额范式数据库的基础上,采用信息检索和自然语言处理技术,提出施工工序的概算定额智能绑定方法。根据文本关键词语素分解,结合Word2vec词义分析与逆文本频率权重,提出了面向概算定额的正负相关性模糊检索模型;针对概算定额的分级检索特征,提出了概算定额的先验级联检索方法。实验表明,检索模型召回概算定额与施工机械台时费定额精确度分别达到92.29%、97.28%,先验级联检索方法显著缩短设计工时。本方法的应用能为水电工程设计智能化提供支持。

关键词: 设计概算, 定额绑定, 自然语言处理, 信息检索, 词义分析

Abstract: Budget estimate quotas and mechanical quotas are the basis of construction resource analysis and engineering budget estimate compilation. Traditional manual binding of the process and quota is inefficient, cumbersome and error-prone. Based on establishing a quota paradigm database, this paper presents a new intelligent binding method for budget estimate quotas of construction process by using information retrieval and natural language processing technologies. For the budget estimate quotas with positive and negative relevance, a fuzzy retrieval model is developed using the morpheme segmentation of text keywords and combining Word2vec semantic analysis with inverse document frequency weights. And we construct a priori cascading search method for budget estimate quotas in response to the characteristics of hierarchical search of the quotas. Experiments show that the retrieval model achieves a recall precision of 92.29% for budget estimate quotas and 97.28% for construction machinery hourly rate quotas, and the search method reduces design man-hours significantly. Application of this binding method will be a strong support to intelligent designs in hydropower engineering.

Key words: design budget estimate, quota binding, natural language processing, information retrieval, semantic analysis

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