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水力发电学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (8): 64-75.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20240807

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  • 出版日期:2024-08-25 发布日期:2024-08-25

Optimal operation of hydropower station reservoirs considering maximum benefits of hydro-wind-solar co-generation

  • Online:2024-08-25 Published:2024-08-25

摘要: 为了经济合理地充分发挥水电站水库的调节能力,促进风光资源的高效消纳,基于微观经济学生产产品时存在的边际产量递减规律,以水电站水库调节能力为可变要素,将风光资源消纳视为“固定要素”的充分发挥,建立了水风光联合发电效益最大模型,可求解得到促进风光资源经济消纳的水电站水库优化调度方案。算例分析结果表明:在入库流量、负荷需求以及水库运行状态等因素一定的条件下,模型可充分反映水电站水库参与风光出力调节时对风光资源的消纳和水风光联合发电效益的贡献,给出了不同情景下水电站水库参与风光出力调节的优化调度方案,对于在保障电力系统安全的前提下充分发挥水电站水库的调节能力和提升水风光联合发电效益具有一定的参考价值。

关键词: 水库调节能力, 风光资源经济消纳, 边际产量递减规律, 发电效益最大模型, 水电站水库

Abstract: This paper describes a new model based on the microeconomic principle of diminishing marginal productivity during the production process to economically and reasonably exploit the regulatory capacity of hydropower station reservoirs and to facilitate the efficient integration of wind and solar resources. This model considers the regulating capability of the reservoirs as a variable factor, treating the efficient consumption of wind and solar resources as a "fixed factor". It aims at maximizing the benefits of hydro-wind-solar co-generation and can be solved to obtain optimized operation plans for the reservoirs to facilitate the economic consumption of wind and solar resources. Case analysis demonstrates that under the given condition of inflow, load demand, reservoir operation status, and other factors, the model effectively reflects the reservoir’s contribution to the economic consumption and the co-generation benefits during its participation in wind and solar output regulation. Optimized operation scheme is given for the reservoirs involved in wind and solar output regulation under different scenarios. The model helps leverage fully the regulating capacity of the reservoirs and enhance the co-generation benefits while ensuring the safety of power systems.

Key words: regulatory capacity of reservoirs, economic consumption of wind and solar resources, law of diminishing marginal productivity, generation efficiency maximization model, hydropower station reservoir

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