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水力发电学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (8): 32-45.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20240804

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  • 出版日期:2024-08-25 发布日期:2024-08-25

Risk assessment of check dam breaching caused by rainfall-flooding-sedimentation interaction

  • Online:2024-08-25 Published:2024-08-25

摘要: 淤地坝一旦遭遇极端降雨极易导致洪水漫顶溃决,将对下游人民群众造成极大威胁,亟需开展淤地坝溃决风险定量评估。现有研究忽略泥沙对溃决致灾过程的影响。本研究通过分析降雨诱发的泥沙对溃决致灾的影响过程,揭示降雨-洪水-泥沙作用下的溃决致灾机制,建立考虑降雨-洪水-泥沙作用下的淤地坝溃决致灾风险定量评估模型,将传统的“降雨-洪水”研究发展为“降雨-洪水-泥沙”,实现溃决坝体的精准判定和风险定量评估。将模型应用于王茂沟流域两次溃决案例,并评估不同重现期降雨量的溃决致灾风险。结果表明:考虑泥沙对溃决致灾过程的影响,判定关地沟3坝、背塔沟坝和康和沟3坝溃决,判定结果与实际溃决情况吻合,忽略泥沙影响则背塔沟坝的溃决判定存在差异。与忽略泥沙对溃决致灾的作用相比,考虑泥沙作用2017-7-26降雨下关地沟3坝、背塔沟坝和康和沟3坝起溃时间分别提前11 min、13 min和7 min,有利于及时发出预警,快速撤离两岸群众,提升了淤地坝预警的准确度。不同重现期降雨量下,关地沟3坝10年一遇溃决流量为4.82 m3/s,200年一遇溃决流量为5.97 m3/s。黄柏沟2坝和关地沟4坝在目前淤积情况下,可抵御200年一遇降雨。

关键词: 淤地坝, 降雨-洪水-泥沙, 溃决致灾, 风险评估, 灾害预警

Abstract: Once encountering extreme rainfall, a check dam is highly prone to flooding and collapse, posing a grave threat to downstream communities; a quantitative risk assessment of dam failure caused by its breaching is urgent. Previous studies overlooked the impact of sedimentation on dam failure. In this paper, we examine the influence of rainfall-induced sedimentation on the failure and reveal a mechanism of the dam behavior under the interaction of rainfall, flooding, and sedimentation. We then develop a mathematical model for quantitative assessment of dam failure risks, extending traditional "rainfall-flooding" modeling to "rainfall-flooding-sedimentation" so as to achieve more accurate assessment of dam failure and its risks. We have applied this model in two failure cases of the Wangmaogou watershed and assessed their risks under different return periods of rainfall. Results indicate that the impact of sedimentation is a significant factor. For the Guandigou 3rd dam, Beitagou dam, and Kanghegou 3rd dam, the judgement and calculation results agree with all the three real failure cases when using the simulation considering the sedimentation factor, while they deviate from the reality of the Beitagou dam failure when neglecting this factor. Detailed comparison indicates that under the rainfall on July 26, 2017, neglecting the sedimentation role advances the failure initiation time of the three dams as listed above by 11 minutes, 13 minutes, and 7 minutes respectively. This facilitates timely issuing of the warnings of emergency and quick evacuation of the people living around the dam, and enhances the accuracy of check dam warnings. For the Guandigou 3rd dam under the rainfalls of different return periods, its failure discharge is 4.82 m3/s and 5.97 m3/s under 10-year and 200-year periods respectively. The other two dams can withstand a 200-year return period rainfall under current siltation conditions.

Key words: check dam, rainfall-flooding-sedimentation, dam breach hazard, risk assessment, disaster warning

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