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水力发电学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (8): 14-21.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20240802

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  • 出版日期:2024-08-25 发布日期:2024-08-25

Experimental study on rock breaking effects of pulsating abrasive water jets

  • Online:2024-08-25 Published:2024-08-25

摘要: 为探究脉冲磨料水射流的破岩效果,选用五种不同强度的硬岩,开展了脉冲纯水/磨料水射流破岩试验,并以冲蚀孔尺寸为指标,将脉冲纯水/磨料水射流的破岩效果同连续纯水/磨料水射流进行了对比。结果表明:连续磨料水射流冲蚀岩体过程主要依赖磨料粒子的磨削作用,而脉冲磨料水射流则是连续的水锤效应和磨料粒子磨削作用的叠加;无磨料粒子时,连续水射流破岩主要依赖射流初期的单个水锤效应,而脉冲水射流则是多个连续的水锤压力持续冲击岩石,导致岩体表面出现破碎区。

关键词: 脉冲磨料水射流, 破岩试验, 冲蚀孔, 硬岩

Abstract: To investigate the rock-breaking effects of abrasive water jets, an experiment is conducted to test five types of hard rock samples with different strengths under the conditions of a pulsating pure water jet and a pulsating abrasive water jet. Using the size of erosion pits as a measure, we compare the rock-breaking effects of these two jets with those of a continuous pure water jet and a continuous abrasive water jet. The results indicate that in the eroding process, the continuous abrasive water jet mainly relies on the grinding action of abrasive particles, while the pulsating one combines such action with a continuous water hammer effect. In the condition of no abrasive particle in the jet flow, the erosion of a continuous water jet primarily depends on a single water hammer pulse that occurs only at the initial stage of the jet, while a pulsating one generates a sequence of pressure pulses that impact the rock samples continuously, leading to fractured zones in the rock sample.

Key words: pulsating abrasive water jet, rock breaking experiment, crushing pit, hard rock

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