水力发电学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1): 125-130.
• 水力学、水环境与泥沙研究 • 上一篇 下一篇
This paper describes a simplex-differential evolution hybrid algorithm to analyze experimental water quality data of river stream, and estimates water quality parameters for a 1-D river under longitudinal dispersion and a 2-D river under transverse diffusion. This algorithm combines the features of simplex method and differential evolution method: the former has a strong local search ability and fast convergence but higher dependence on the selection of initial parameters; the latter has an strong global search ability and fewer controlled parameters but weak local search ability. The combined algorithm has advantages in both random searching and deterministic calculation, and well balances the local against global search ability. Numerical experiments show that this new algorithm is of fast convergence and cost saving in analysis of experiment data of water quality and estimation of water quality parameters of river stream, and thus it has a good application potential.
付 翠,刘元会,郭建青,等. 识别河流水质模型参数的单纯形-差分进化混合算法[J]. 水力发电学报, 2015, 34(1): 125-130.
FU Cui, LIU Yuanhui, et al. Simplex-differential evolution hybrid algorithm for parameter identification of river water quality model[J]. JOURNAL OF HYDROELECTRIC ENGINEERING, 2015, 34(1): 125-130.
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