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水力发电学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (5): 1-12.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20240501

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  • 出版日期:2024-05-25 发布日期:2024-05-25

Analysis of bed material coarsening characteristics during recent continuous erosion in lower Yellow River

  • Online:2024-05-25 Published:2024-05-25

摘要: 床沙组成的变化影响悬沙沿程恢复及河床阻力变化。本文基于黄河下游7个水文站1999—2020年的实测床沙资料,计算了各水文断面不同粒径组床沙占比的年际变化,分析了近二十年持续冲刷过程中不同河型河段床沙的时空粗化特性,讨论了河床冲淤过程对床沙粗化的影响。从时间来看,小浪底水库运用后,不同时期床沙的粗化特点不同,拦沙初期(2000—2006年)急剧粗化,拦沙后期(2007—2020年)粗化放缓,高村站及上游各站床沙呈波动粗化,高村站以下则变化不大,且粗化程度最强处由游荡段向下游过渡段转移;从空间来看,床沙沿程细化,游荡段以极粗沙为主,过渡段以粗沙和极粗沙为主,弯曲段的中细沙不可忽视。拦沙初期各河段床沙组成的调整表现为中细均冲;拦沙后期则表现为中粗均冲,极粗沙占比增大,利津以上各站细沙占比不足5%,对悬沙的补给受限,中沙和粗沙仍经受冲刷,极粗沙对相应悬沙有较好补给作用。河段汛后床沙中值粒径与河床累计冲刷量呈良好的幂函数正相关关系,但拦沙后期床面已粗化到相当程度,河床冲淤对床沙粗化的影响受限。研究结果有助于掌握近期整个黄河下游床沙的粗化现状及预测下游河道冲淤变形规律。

关键词: 床沙粗化, 不同河型, 补给受限, 持续冲刷, 黄河下游

Abstract: Variations in bed material composition affect suspended load recovery and movable bed resistance. This paper calculates inter-annual variations in bed material proportion at seven hydrological stations in the lower Yellow River (LYR), based on the 1999-2020 bed material data measured at these stations. We examine spatial and temporal coarsening characteristics of different reaches during continuous channel degradation in the past 20 years, and discuss the influence of channel evolution on bed material coarsening. In time variations, coarsening characteristics varied in different periods after the operation of the Xiaolangdi reservoir, with a sharp trend in the early stage 2000-2006 and a slow trend in the later stage 2007-2020. In the later stage, bed material was coarsened with temporal fluctuations at the stations above Gaocun Station, but changed little below; the reach with the highest coarsening degree moved downstream from the braided reach to transitional reach. Spatially, bed material became finer along the stream. The braided reach was dominated by very coarse sediments and the transitional reach by coarse and very coarse sediments, while the medium and fine sediments were not negligible in the meandering reach. The adjustment of bed material composition was characterized by both medium and fine sediment erosion in the early stage, while by medium and coarse sediment erosion and very coarse sediments deposition in the later stage. At the stations above Lijin, the proportion of fine sediments was less than 5%, limiting suspended load recovery; medium and coarse sediments were still eroded, but very coarse sediments had a good supply of the corresponding suspended load. In post-flood period, the median particle size of bed material was power correlated positively with the cumulative erosion volume of the river bed, but its influence on bed material was limited due to a considerable degree of coarsening in the later stage. The results reveal the current situation of bed material coarsening in LYR and help predict the channel deformation.

Key words: bed material coarsening, different reaches, limited recovery, continuous channel degradation, lower Yellow River

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