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水力发电学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 1-10.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20240101

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  • 出版日期:2024-01-25 发布日期:2024-01-25

Multi-objective scheduling of Three Gorges reservoir cascade in impounding period based on negotiation game

  • Online:2024-01-25 Published:2024-01-25

摘要: 汛后蓄水期是三峡梯级防洪向兴利调度转换的重要时间窗口,不合理的蓄水调度将对梯级防洪、发电兴利、生态效益造成不利影响。本文以发电量最大、防洪库容占用比最小以及修正流量偏差最小作为三峡梯级蓄水期调度目标构建优化调度模型,进而引入谈判博弈模型将各个调度目标作为不同谈判主体,通过逐步缩减各调度目标期望效益值进行多轮谈判,最终得到纳什均衡调度方案。实例计算表明,应用谈判博弈模型能够求解得出三峡梯级蓄水期不同调度主体的最优蓄水调度方案,同时该蓄水调度方案也能够达到其他调度主体期望效益值,被其他目标主体所接受。研究成果可为三峡梯级多目标调度决策提供新的思路。

关键词: 三峡梯级, 蓄水期, 多目标调度, 博弈论, 谈判博弈

Abstract: Reservoir impounding period is an important time window for the Three Gorges cascade hydraulic projects to switch from the mode of flood control to benefit operation. However, unreasonable water storage will have adverse effects on cascade flood control, power generation, and ecological benefits. In this paper, an impoundment dispatching model for this reservoir cascade is constructed to optimize the objectives of maximum power generation, minimum occupancy ratio of flood control capacity, and minimum Amended Annual Proportional Flow Deviation. And a negotiation game model is adopted to take each scheduling objective as a different negotiating subject. Then, through multiple rounds of negotiations by gradually reducing the expected benefit value of each scheduling objective, we obtain a Nash equilibrium scheduling scheme. A case study shows that we can obtain an optimal impoundment scheduling scheme for each of the objective subjects of the cascade by applying the game model, while keeping the scheduling schemes satisfying the expected benefits of the other objectives. This is a new useful approach to the cascade’s multi-objective scheduling and decision-making.

Key words: Three Gorges reservoir cascade, impounding period, multi-objective scheduling, game theory, negotiation game

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