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水力发电学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (12): 119-131.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20231212

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  • 出版日期:2023-12-25 发布日期:2023-12-25

Design method of 100-meter cemented sand and gravel dams based on multivariate optimization

  • Online:2023-12-25 Published:2023-12-25

摘要: 随着胶凝砂砾石坝(CSG坝)筑坝技术的提高,对百米级CSG坝的建造需求不断增加,亟需对不同剖面形式和胶凝含量的百米级CSG坝进行研究。本文采用有限元法建立CSG坝响应面预测模型回归方程;将预测模型回归方程作为目标函数,运用人工蜂群算法对CSG坝剖面形式及胶凝含量进行优化,得到一系列最优剖面解集;选取一组优化模型与实际工程开展模型试验进行对比验证。结果表明:两组模型在加载过程中的破坏模式不同,实际工程模型坝体与坝基接触面出现裂缝并逐渐发生贯通,坝踵处出现剪切裂缝破坏;优化模型发生滑移失稳破坏,坝体本身未见明显结构破坏,说明优化模型的结构强度得到了增强;正常工况下,优化模型较实际工程水平位移减小了36.9%,竖直位移减小了25.5%,超载安全系数增大了9.1%。结果为实际工程中CSG坝的剖面形式优化和百米级CSG坝的建造提供参考。

关键词: 响应面法, 人工蜂群算法, 胶凝砂砾石坝, 模型试验, 剖面优化

Abstract: With the improvement of the cemented sand and gravel (CSG) dam construction technology, demands for the construction of 100-meter CSG dams are increasing; An urgent need is to study their different profile forms and cementation contents. This paper uses the finite element method to formulate a regression equation for the prediction model of a CSG dam response surface. Using this equation as the objective function, the artificial bee colony algorithm is applied to optimize the CSG dam profile form and the gelling content, and a series of optimal profile solution sets are obtained. Finally, a set of dam models so optimized and a real dam project is selected to test experimentally for comparison and validation. The results show that in the loading process, the damage modes of the two groups of dam models are different. The real project model cracks at the contact surface of the dam body and foundation, gradually growing into a through crack, and its dam heel suffers shear crack damage. The optimized model suffers slip instability damage but no obvious structural damage to the dam body is observed, indicating that its structural strength is enhanced significantly. In comparison with real projects under normal working conditions, the optimized model reduces horizontal displacement by 36.9% and vertical displacement by 25.5%, and increases the overload safety factor by 9.1%, respectively. The results lay a basis for the profile forms of CSG dams and would help simplify the design method of 100-meter CSG dams.

Key words: response surface method, artificial bee colony algorithm, cemented sand and gravel dam, model test, profile optimization

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