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水力发电学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (12): 35-47.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20231204

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  • 出版日期:2023-12-25 发布日期:2023-12-25

Identification of primary causes of inconsistent evolution of rainfall-runoff relationship. Case study of Wei River basin

  • Online:2023-12-25 Published:2023-12-25

摘要: 降雨-径流关系是流域产水能力的关键表征。受气候变化、下垫面改变和人类活动的耦合影响,降雨与径流之间的相关性呈现出一定的非一致性变化,不同因素的影响仍有待量化。耦合去趋势互相关分析与去趋势偏互相关分析方法,提出了一种降雨-径流非一致性关系驱动要素识别与影响估算方法,量化了气象条件、下垫面条件和人类活动的贡献。结果表明:构建的量化方法对非一致性序列具有良好的适用性;人类活动对渭河流域降雨-径流关系的影响最大,平均贡献率为58.86%,气象条件次之,下垫面条件影响最小;人类活动对渭河流域降雨-径流关系的影响在时域上总体处于持续增长态势,空间上呈现渭河干流上中游>泾河流域>北洛河流域。

关键词: 驱动因素诊断, 降雨-径流关系, 非一致性演化, 贡献率, 渭河流域

Abstract: Rainfall-runoff relationship is crucial in characterizing a watershed's capability to generate runoff. Links between rainfall and runoff have changed inconsistently as a result of the coupling effects of climate change, underlying surface change, and human activities; and the effects of these elements need to be assessed. This paper presents a method for identifying and estimating the driving factors of the rainfall-runoff inconsistency relationship, and quantifies the contribution of meteorological factors, underlying surface conditions, and human activities. This method integrates detrended cross-correlation analysis and detrended partial cross-correlation analysis. The findings demonstrate it has strong application to inconsistent series. In the Wei River basin, human activities, with an average contribution rate of 58.86%, have the greatest influence on the rainfall-runoff relationship, followed by the meteorological factors, while the underlying surface conditions have the least impact. The impact of human activities on the rainfall-runoff relationship in this basin generally takes a continuous growing trend in the time domain, while spatially its degree can be listed in a decreasing order: the upper and middle reaches of the mainstream of the Wei River basin > the Jing River basin > the Beiluo River basin.

Key words: cause analysis, rainfall-runoff relationship, inconsistency, contribution rate, Wei River basin

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