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水力发电学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (11): 92-100.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20231109

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  • 出版日期:2023-11-25 发布日期:2023-11-25

Multi-view 3D reconstruction and morphological analysis of large particle size rockfill material

  • Online:2023-11-25 Published:2023-11-25

摘要: 堆石料作为堆石混凝土中的超大骨料,其几何形态对堆石混凝土的力学性能具有显著影响。本文随机选取粒径介于3 ~ 40 cm的102个堆石,采用多视角三维重建技术,构建了堆石料的三维数字模型库,讨论了堆石料几何形态参数间的相关性,并对其进行定量分析和评价。结果表明:采用多视角三维重建技术可有效实现高精度堆石三维模型的构建;所用堆石料中,球状颗粒占主要部分;比表面积随着粒径的增大而减小,且分布在0.08 ~ 0.2 cm2/g间的堆石料居多;磨圆度数值随着长宽比的增大而减小,与球形度均服从正态分布;三维分形维数为2.01,具有良好的分形特性。研究成果可为堆石混凝土的数值模拟提供堆石模型,也可以用于工程现场堆石料几何形态的质量评价。

关键词: 堆石混凝土, 多视角影像, 三维重建, 堆石料, 几何形态学

Abstract: Rockfill material is a super large-size aggregate in rock-filled concrete, and the geometry of its particles has a significant effect on its mechanical properties. This study selects randomly 102 rockfill samples with a particle size range of 3 - 40 cm, and constructs a 3D digital model library of rockfill material using a multi-view 3D reconstruction technology. And correlation between the shape parameters of rockfill is discussed with a quantitative analysis and evaluation. The results show this technology can effectively construct a high-precision 3D model for rockfill materials. The main part of the rockfill aggregate in the samples is made up of spherical particles; The specific surface area decreases with the increase in particle size, and falls mostly in the range of 0.08 - 0.2 cm2/g. The value of psephicity decreases with an increase in aspect ratio, and follows a normal distribution as its sphericity does; it features good fractal characteristics with a three-dimensional fractal dimension of 2.01. This study has constructed a useful rockfill model for numerical simulations of rock-filled concrete and in-site evaluation of rockfill geometry.

Key words: rock-filled concrete, multi-view image, three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction, rockfill material, geometrical morphology

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