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水力发电学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (10): 105-115.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20231010

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  • 出版日期:2023-10-25 发布日期:2023-10-25

Buckling characteristics of penstocks with composite lining under complex constraints

  • Online:2023-10-25 Published:2023-10-25

摘要: 为研究局部排水板铺设下组合衬砌的内衬钢管在外水压力作用下的屈曲失稳特性,首先基于Mises理论计算加劲式钢管临界外压弹性解,进而考虑自密实混凝土约束强度的差异性、材料非线性及外包介质的非均匀性,基于有限元软件ABAQUS建立组合衬砌三维数值计算模型,综合研究钢管受外围介质局部约束时的临界失稳特征,并与洞内明管方案及埋管方案进行对比。结果表明:自密实混凝土对钢管的约束可提升钢管抗外压能力,而排水板的存在会降低钢管抗外压能力;规范推荐的Mises理论设计方法适用于充分考虑外围约束下的钢管抗外压稳定设计;组合衬砌局部排水板铺设后,钢管临界屈曲压力与洞内明管方案近似一致,两者均表现为多波失稳,推荐组合衬砌内衬钢管在抗外压设计时不考虑约束作用。

关键词: 组合衬砌, 加劲式钢管, 排水板, 屈曲失稳, Mises理论

Abstract: The critical elastic solution of stiffened penstocks under external pressure is calculated based on the Mises theory to study the buckling characteristics of a penstock with composite lining and partial drainage board laying. Then, we consider variations in constraint strength, material nonlinearity, and the non-uniformity of the surrounding medium, and develop a three-dimensional numerical model of composite lining based on ABAQUS. This model is applied to a comprehensive study on the critical instability characteristics of the penstock under the local constraints of the surrounding medium, and comparison is made with the tunnel exposed penstock scheme and the underground penstock scheme. The results show that the constraint effect of self-compacting concrete improves the penstock’s external pressure resistance, while the existence of drainage board reduces its resistance. The Mises solution adopted in the standard is suitable for the stability design of penstocks under external pressure with full-circle external constraints. After the local drainage board is laid, the penstock's critical buckling pressure is close to that of the tunnel exposed penstock scheme, both showing multi-wave instability. Thus, for the penstock with composite lining, we recommend the constraint effect is not necessary to be considered in its buckling stability design.

Key words: composite lining, stiffened penstock, drainage board, buckling instability, Mises theory

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