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水力发电学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (10): 40-49.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20231004

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  • 出版日期:2023-10-25 发布日期:2023-10-25

Multi-time scale complementarity analysis of hydropower, wind power and photoelectric resources in lower reaches of Jinsha River

  • Online:2023-10-25 Published:2023-10-25

摘要: 多种能源的互补性分析是科学规划风、光大基地的基础。本文建立基于波动性描述的互补评价指标体系,以金沙江下游水风光一体化清洁能源基地为研究区域,开展水风光资源多时间尺度的互补规律分析。结果表明:从格林威治风场设计平台和光伏地理信息系统获取的风、光出力分布规律与实测序列一致,具有较高的可靠性;风电与光伏互补性较弱,在日内、年内、年际尺度上具有互补性的概率仅为25.5%、0和37.2%;径流、风电与光伏三者互补性较强,在日内、年内和年际尺度上具有互补性的概率分别为46.5%、100%和53.5%。

关键词: 金沙江下游, 水风光一体化, 互补性, 多时间尺度, 梯级水库

Abstract: Complementarity analysis of various energy sources is a basis for scientific planning of large wind power and photovoltaic bases. In this paper, a complementary evaluation index system based on a volatility description is formulated, and a multi-time scale analysis of the complementarity of hydropower, wind power and photoelectric is made for the study area: a hydropower, wind power and photoelectric-integrated clean energy base in the lower reaches of the Jinsha River. The results show that the power distribution trends of wind power and photovoltaic power-obtained from Greenwich and PhotoVoltaic Geographic Information System (PVGIS)-agree with the measured sequence, which have high reliability. The complementarity of wind power and photovoltaic is weak, and its probabilities are only 25.5%, 0.0% and 37.2% in intra-day, intra-year and inter-year scales, respectively. Runoff, wind power and photovoltaic are highly complementary, and the probabilities raise to 46.5%, 100.0% and 53.5% in the three scales, respectively.

Key words: lower Jinsha River, hydro-wind-solar integrated system, complementarity, multiple time scales, cascade reservoir

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