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水力发电学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (9): 79-87.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20230908

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  • 出版日期:2023-09-25 发布日期:2023-09-25

Measurement and analysis on bolt stress of top cover in pump turbine

  • Online:2023-09-25 Published:2023-09-25

摘要: 水泵水轮机启停频繁、工况多变,内部流态复杂,顶盖在运行过程中受到复杂的水推力作用。连接顶盖和座环的高强度螺栓在不同工况下,应力水平和变化具有较大差别。螺栓的受力特性直接关系到机组的运行安全,因此,有必要全面了解顶盖螺栓在典型工况下的应力水平。本文依托宝泉蓄能电站水泵水轮机组开展顶盖螺栓应力实测工作。采用电阻应变法,选取螺柱中间截面上均布的4个应力测点,通过测量螺栓表面微应变得到螺栓应力。测试得到了螺栓在预紧、水轮机满负荷、甩负荷、水泵零流量及水泵正常运行工况下的应力结果,为顶盖螺栓和机组安全评估提供了基础数据,也为后续顶盖螺栓的设计提供参考。

关键词: 抽水蓄能, 水泵水轮机, 顶盖螺栓, 应力测试, 电阻应变法

Abstract: A pump turbine makes frequent startup and halt under rapid changes in its working conditions, and its internal flow patterns are usually complicated. During operation under different working conditions, the top cover is subjected to complex water thrusts; the high-strength bolts, tightening it on the seat ring, suffer a great variation in both stress level and its change rate. The bolt stress of top cover is directly related to operation safety, so it is necessary to understand its variations under typical operating conditions. This study conducts a prototype measurement of bolt stress for a unit at the Baoquan pumped storage power station. A resistance strain method is adopted to collect the bolt stress data through measuring micro-strain at four points evenly arranged on the middle section of the stud for various test conditions-bolt preloading process, full load turbine operation, load rejection process, zero flow pump condition, and pump normal operation. This will lay a basis for evaluating the top cover bolts and unit operation safety, and help improve the bolt design.

Key words: pumped storage, pump turbine, bolt of top cover, stress measurement, resistive strain method

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