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水力发电学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (9): 70-78.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20230907

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  • 出版日期:2023-09-25 发布日期:2023-09-25

Multi-objective intelligent optimal drawdown operation of multiple reservoirs

  • Online:2023-09-25 Published:2023-09-25

摘要: 本文考虑了河道天然流量模式调度需求,以发电量、供水满足度最大和河道流量偏差函数值最小为目标,建立了水库群消落期多目标优化调度模型,采用非支配排序遗传算法求解,以湘江流域东江-双牌-涔天河水库群为研究对象,进行了实例分析。研究结果表明:相比常规方案,在丰、平、枯水年情景下,发电量最大方案分别能提高1571万kW?h(11.2%)、1167万kW?h(10.9%)和811万kW?h(10.0%)的发电量;生态效益最好的方案,能减小1.56(61.2%)、0.33(6.3%)和0.89(13.6%)的河道流量偏差函数值;供水满足度最大的方案能提高2.1%、2.6%和3.4%的供水效益。构建的水库群消落期多目标优化调度模型可为长江流域水库群消落调度提供理论参考。

关键词: 消落调度, 多目标优化, 快速非支配排序遗传算法, 决策分析, 湘江流域

Abstract: This study develops a multi-objective optimal drawdown operation model of multiple reservoirs by considering the demands of the river’s natural flow patterns and using three objective functions-the maximum hydropower output, maximum water supply reliability, and minimum flow alteration. This model is solved using the fast nondominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II), and applied in a case study of multiple reservoirs in the Xiangjiang River basin: the Dongjiang, Shuangpai, and Centianhe reservoirs. The results show that relative to conventional operation in the wet, normal and dry year cases, the maximum hydropower output scheme raises the power generation by 15.71 million kW?h (11.2%), 11.67 million kW?h (10.9%), and 8.11 million kW?h (10.0%), respectively; The minimum flow alteration scheme reduces river flow deviation by 1.56 (61.2%), 0.33 (6.3%), and 0.89 (13.6%), respectively; The maximum water supply reliability scheme promotes water supply satisfaction by 2.1%, 2.6%, and 3.4%, respectively. Our new model proves applicable and effective and would be useful for the drawdown operation of multi-reservoir systems in the Yangtze River basin.

Key words: drawdown operation, multi-objective optimization, fast nondominated sorting genetic algorithm-II, decision analysis, Xiangjiang River basin

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