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水力发电学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (7): 108-118.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20230710

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  • 出版日期:2023-07-25 发布日期:2023-07-25

Identifying upstream-downstream relationship of cascade reservoirs in Xijiang River watershed

  • Online:2023-07-25 Published:2023-07-25

摘要: 梯级水库群上下游关系是流域水资源系统分析的关键环节。本文基于河流编码描述单一梯级水库,构建了梯级水库群上下游关系识别基本框架,并用于分析梯级水库群的空间特征和流域开发利用情况。面向西江流域案例,研究结果表明:西江流域以部分水库为连接核心,超过70%的水库位于所处河流最上游;梯级水库群中,区间汇流面积最大的5座龙头水库与水利枢纽控制23.6%的流域总面积,与众多上游水库存在水力联系,在防洪、供水、发电等调度中发挥关键作用;整体上,西江流域呈现明显的逐级开发特征,各河段上游水库数量随河流等级增加呈指数式增长趋势。研究成果对于分析梯级水库群的功能具有重要的意义。

关键词: 梯级水库群, 河流水系, 河流编码, 上下游关系, 流域开发利用

Abstract: Upstream-downstream relationship among cascade reservoirs is a key component of water resources system modelling. This paper builds a framework for identifying this relationship based on the river coding method, and applies it to analysis of the spatial characteristics of a cascade reservoirs system and its watershed development and utilization. In a case study of the Xijiang River watershed, the results show the cascade reservoirs are connected only by a few of them, and more than 70% are functionally headwater reservoirs. Only five of them are leading reservoirs that have the largest confluence areas and totally control 23.6% of the watershed area, but they play a key role in flood control, water supply, and power generation through their hydraulic connections with many upstream reservoirs. Overall, each tributary in this watershed presents obvious characteristics of typical cascade development, and the number of its upstream reservoirs increases exponentially with the raising in its grade. The results are of great significance for analyzing the function of cascade reservoirs.

Key words: cascade reservoirs, river network, river coding, upstream-downstream relationship, watershed development and utilization

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