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水力发电学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 115-122.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20230612

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  • 出版日期:2023-06-25 发布日期:2023-06-25

Study on scenario earthquakes and site-related response spectra of Xiluodu arch dam

  • Online:2023-06-25 Published:2023-06-25

摘要: 合理确定地震动参数是高坝抗震安全评价的先决条件。基于《水电工程水工建筑物抗震设计规范》(NB 35047—2015)关于抗震设防类别为甲类的工程设计反应谱规定,本文开展了溪洛渡水电站设定地震及其场地相关反应谱研究。首先采用没有经过不确定校正的工程场地峰值加速度,确定了对场址地震动贡献最大的永善潜源,并在该区域内进一步确定设定地震;然后将发生概率最大的情景地震作为给定设防水准的设定地震;最后选用美国西部AS08反应谱预测方程,生成与设计地震和校核地震对应的场地相关反应谱。研究成果可为进一步开展基于真实动力工作性态的溪洛渡拱坝抗震研究提供基础,并可为同类工程抗震安全评价提供借鉴参考。

关键词: 地震工程, 设定地震, 场地相关反应谱, 地震动衰减关系, 溪洛渡拱坝

Abstract: Reasonable ground motion parameters are a prerequisite for seismic hazard analysis of high dams. This study investigates scenario earthquakes and the corresponding site-related response spectra for the Xiluodu dam, based on the Code for seismic design of hydraulic structures of hydropower project (NB 35047—2015) with category A of seismic protection. First, the Yongshan area with the largest contribution to the exceedance probability of this dam is selected as a potential seismic area for earthquakes; then, the magnitude and epicenter distance of the scenario earthquakes are determined by the principle of the maximum occurrence probability. Finally, the site-related response spectrum is generated using the ground-motion prediction equation AS08. This study gives a basis for seismic analysis of the Xiluodu dam based on real dynamic working state, and helps seismic analysis of similar projects.

Key words: earthquake engineering, scenario earthquake, site-related response spectrum, ground-motion attenuation relationship, Xiluodu arch dam

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