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水力发电学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5): 107-119.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20230512

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  • 出版日期:2023-05-25 发布日期:2023-05-25

Integrated learning fusion model for seepage safety monitoring of rockfill dams

  • Online:2023-05-25 Published:2023-05-25

摘要: 土石坝渗流监控模型是定量分析土石坝渗流安全的重要方法。传统土石坝渗流监控模型常独立采用统计模型或机器学习智能算法模型,未有效融合两者的优点。本文在集成学习的框架下,创新地将统计模型和多种并行的智能算法预测模型进行融合,利用统计模型的可解释性和智能算法的高拟合性进而提升集成模型预测精度。首先针对土石坝渗流统计模型,在经典土石坝渗流统计模型基础上充分考虑渗流影响因子的滞后效应,改进水位分量和降雨分量影响因子表达式。然后,基于贝叶斯差分自适应Metropolis(differential evolution adaptive Metropolis,DREAMZS)集成理论,将机器学习中多个先进智能算法和改进的统计模型进行集成,并获得各模型的最优权重系数。实例分析表明,集成学习融合模型相较于单一统计模型或智能算法模型预测精度有明显的提升,有效融合了统计模型和多种智能模型的预测优势,为土石坝渗流监控模型的建立提供了一种新的建模方法。

关键词: 土石坝, 监控模型, 渗流安全, 预测模型, 集成学习

Abstract: The seepage monitoring model of rockfill dams is a key factor for quantitative analysis of seepage safety. Most of the traditional models adopt a statistical model or machine learning intelligent algorithm model separately, unable to effectively integrate the advantages of both. This paper presents an innovative integration of statistical models with multiple parallel intelligent algorithm prediction models in the framework of integrated learning, and uses the interpretability of statistical models and the high adaptability of fit of intelligent algorithms to improve the prediction accuracy of this integrated model. First, we fully consider the lag effect of seepage influence factors on the basis of the classical seepage statistical model, and improve the expression for the water level factor and the rainfall factor. Then, based on the integration principle of differential evolution adaptive Metropolis (DREAMZS), several advanced intelligent algorithms and improved statistical models in machine learning are integrated, and optimal weight coefficients are obtained for each model. Case analysis shows that in comparison with the single statistical model or the intelligent algorithm model, our integrated learning fusion model improves prediction accuracy significantly and can integrate effectively the advantages of a statistical model and multiple intelligent models, providing a new modeling method for dam seepage monitoring.

Key words: rockfill dam, monitoring model, seepage safety, prediction model, integrated learning

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