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水力发电学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5): 77-85.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20230509

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  • 出版日期:2023-05-25 发布日期:2023-05-25

Analysis of GD2 estimation formulas and statistical formula fit for hydro-generator units

  • Online:2023-05-25 Published:2023-05-25

摘要: 水轮发电机组转动惯量是衡量水电机组快速反应性能的关键指标,对于机组的稳定和电力系统的稳定均具有极其重要的影响。在工程中常采用飞轮力矩GD2来表征水轮发电机组转动惯量的大小,在水电站预可研、可研设计阶段,水轮发电机组GD2的取值多采用估算的方式来确定。本文通过典型工程实例和大量的统计数据对目前常用的两类GD2估算公式进行分析,提出合理化的选取建议。并采用近年国内已投产水电站机组GD2真实样本拟合构建的新公式。可为电站初期设计阶段的机组GD2合理估算提供更精确的计算依据。

关键词: 水轮发电机组, 转动惯量, GD2, 统计公式

Abstract: The moment of inertia plays a key role in the stability of a hydro-generator unit and the stability of the power system connected. For a hydro-generator unit, it is a key index for measuring its fast reaction performance and imposes a very significant influence on its stability; in engineering, the flywheel moment GD2 is usually used to characterize its moment of inertia. In the design stages of pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, the GD2 value is usually determined by estimation. This paper presents an analysis of the estimation formulas of two types commonly used for GD2 estimation based on typical engineering cases and a large body of statistical data, and discusses how to choose reasonable GD2 values. We use GD2 data samples from the real hydropower units, which have been put into operation in China in recent years, to fit statistical formulas so as to lay a basis for calculation of the GD2 of a hydro-generator unit in the initial design stage.

Key words: hydropower station, moment of inertia, GD2, statistical formula

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