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水力发电学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (3): 92-102.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20230309

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  • 出版日期:2023-03-25 发布日期:2023-03-25

Combination of experimental and empirical methods for dispersivity evaluation of Jingyang loess and its underlying mechanism

  • Online:2023-03-25 Published:2023-03-25

摘要: 分散性土遇水易发生侵蚀,会导致管涌等危害,在堤坝工程中最终可能演化成极具规模的溃坝。文献中针对分散机理的研究主要聚焦于分散特性与某单一指标的联系,与此同时针对影响电动电位较为显著的介电常数与土体分散体系的相互作用较少报道。本研究通过针孔试验、孔隙水可溶性阳离子试验和经验公式法对陕西泾阳黄土分散性进行综合判别,研究影响黄土分散体系的关键因素,揭示导致黄土由聚结结构转为分散结构的内在机理。结果表明土体pH值呈现碱性,阳离子含量和可交换钠离子含量满足条件(CNa+ > 1 mmol/L,ESP > 7%)时,土易于分散。通过与国际上类似的问题土相对比发现,泾阳黄土电动电位ξ主要受pH值影响而不是黏粒含量和液限。介电常数相比之下较其他问题土低,这是因为泾阳黄土的液限较低,土壤的盐分含量、水分含量等会影响土水混合物介电常数虚部的变化,即为介电损耗,但其分散性仍然显著。

关键词: 黄土, 分散性, 针孔试验, 分散机理

Abstract: Dispersive soil is prone to erosion when subjected to significant hydraulic gradients, also referred to as piping failure. In the case of earth dams, such failure can cause a grave threat to residents surrounding. This creates a pressing need for a systematic study on the dispersive mechanism of cohesive soils. In this work, we evaluate the dispersivity of loess specimens taken from Jingyang, Shaanxi, through combining pinhole test, pore water salts test, and empirical formula, focusing on the key factors of dispersivity and the underlying mechanism for loess changing from agglomeration to dispersion structure. The results show that the soil is prone to disperse when its pH value is alkaline and its cation content and exchangeable sodium ion content meet the conditions of CNa+ > 1 mmol/L and ESP > 7%, respectively. Comparison with similar problematic soils in other countries reveals that for the Jingyang loess, its electric potential ξ is mainly influenced by the pH value rather than the clay content or liquid limit; Its relatively low dielectric constant is due to a low liquid limit. Its soil salt content or moisture content can affect the change in the soil-water mixture dielectric constant in the imaginary part, i.e., the change in dielectric loss, but its dispersivity remains significant.

Key words: loess, dispersivity, pinhole test, dispersive mechanism

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