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水力发电学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (3): 82-91.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20230308

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  • 出版日期:2023-03-25 发布日期:2023-03-25

Advances in seismic safety assessment research of high asphalt-concrete core dams

  • Online:2023-03-25 Published:2023-03-25

摘要: 山区水库大坝建设是西部地区未来很长一段时间内重大基建工程的关键组成部分,也是开发水能资源、实现水资源合理配置与有效调控的重要措施。但受西部地区地震频发和运行环境复杂的影响,这些山区水库大坝的建设和长期安全保障面临着严峻的挑战。高沥青混凝土心墙坝作为山区水库大坝的主力坝型之一,其生命周期内的抗震安全尤显重要。本文全面评述了近年来国内外高沥青混凝土心墙坝抗震安全评估的发展现状,详细分析了目前高沥青混凝土心墙坝抗震安全研究中存在的问题,主要内容包括:沥青混凝土非线性动力本构模型、堆石料与沥青混凝土心墙接触面、沥青混凝土心墙与混凝土基座接触面本构模型,高沥青混凝土心墙坝-地基相互作用体系及抗震安全评估等内容。总结了高沥青混凝土心墙坝抗震安全评价理论与方法的发展方向,阐述了高沥青混凝土心墙坝抗震安全评估研究今后的发展趋势和关键科学问题,明确了重点研究方向,为国家重大工程建设和可持续发展相关决策提供参考。

关键词: 高坝, 沥青混凝土, 地震, 安全, 抗震性能

Abstract: Construction of mountain reservoirs and dams will be critical to the key infrastructure projects in Western China for a long time in future, and it is also essential to develop hydropower resources and realize rational allocation and effective regulation of water resources. However, this region is affected significantly by frequent earthquakes and complex operating environments; Dam construction and long-term security are faced with severe challenges. A high asphalt-concrete-core wall dam is a main type of the mountain dams, and its seismic safety during the life cycle is paramount. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the status quo of seismic safety assessment of such dams in China and abroad and its trends in recent years, and examines in detail the problems with seismic safety research, covering several aspects, i.e., nonlinear dynamic constitutive models of asphalt concrete, interface between rockfill and asphalt-concrete-core wall, constitutive models of the interface between asphalt-concrete-core wall and concrete base, high asphalt-concrete-core wall dam-foundation interaction systems, earthquake resistance security assessment, and so on. And we sum up the development trends of seismic safety evaluation theories and methods for high-asphalt concrete core wall dams, and clarify key research directions to help the decision-making of major national engineering construction and sustainable development.

Key words: high dam, asphalt concrete, seismic, safety, seismic performance

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