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水力发电学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 66-73.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20230207

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  • 出版日期:2023-02-25 发布日期:2023-02-25

Effect of rainwater runoff reduction by bioretention system improved with excess sludge

  • Online:2023-02-25 Published:2023-02-25

摘要: 为应对城市面源污染控制及污水厂剩余污泥处置问题,用剩余污泥改良生物滞留设施基质,通过理化特性分析筛选适宜的掺泥比例范围,并考察剩余污泥基质生物滞留设施的雨水径流调控效果。结果表明:在上层15 cm基质掺入比例≤ 44.8%的剩余污泥可有效提升生物滞留设施雨水径流调控能力。基质中掺泥比例越大,生物滞留设施雨水径流总量调控效果越优,而出水污染物浓度则呈现略有上升的趋势。与砂土基质相比,40%剩余污泥基质生物滞留设施的次径流总量削减率可提高16.9%,出水COD、TN、NH4+-N和TP平均浓度分别为29.10 mg/L、3.25 mg/L、1.66 mg/L和0.093 mg/L,可满足GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》ΙⅤ类、Ⅴ类、Ⅴ类和Ⅱ类水质标准。

关键词: 生物滞留设施, 剩余污泥基质, 理化性质, 径流总量削减, 面源污染控制

Abstract: Excess sludge from sewage treatment plant is utilized in this work to modify the substrate of a bioretention system to cope with the problems of urban non-point source pollution control and disposal of excess sludge. We determine the optimal content range of excess sludge added to the substrate based on its physical and chemical properties, and examine the effect of rainwater runoff reduction by the sludge-improved bioretention system. The results show that adding the sludge up to a content of 44.8% in the upper substrate layer of 15 cm thick could effectively enhance the system’s capability of runoff regulation. A higher content leads to a better effect of this system in controlling the total stormwater runoff, but a slightly upward trend the concentration of pollutants in effluent. Compared with sandy-soil substrate, a bioretention system with 40% sludge substrate increases the total runoff reduction rate by 16.9%. The average effluent concentration of COD, TN, NH4+-N and TP are 29.10, 3.25, 1.66 and 0.093 mg/L respectively, meeting the standards of Class ΙⅤ, Class Ⅴ, Class Ⅴ and Class Ⅱ of the Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB 3838-2002).

Key words: bioretention system, excess sludge substrate, physical and chemical properties, total runoff reduction, source pollution control

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