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水力发电学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 56-65.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20230206

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  • 出版日期:2023-02-25 发布日期:2023-02-25

Optimal medium to long-term operation of large hydro-photovoltaic hybrid systems considering operational risk and peak shaving performance

  • Online:2023-02-25 Published:2023-02-25

摘要: 传统水光互补中长期调度模型未考虑日内运行风险以及系统的调峰特性,高估了系统的互补性能,由此制定的调度规则难以提升互补系统效能。为此,本文构建长短期决策响应函数,用以定量表征中长期水电出力与日内综合风险率、弃电率、调峰性能指标之间的关系;然后,将决策响应函数嵌套到中长期调度模型中,推求考虑日内风险以及调峰性能的水光互补中长期优化调度规则。以忠玉水光互补电站为实例,研究表明:嵌套决策响应函数的优化调度模型可显著提升系统发电量(增加2.61%)以及发电保证率(由46.7%提高到85.7%),降低系统剩余负荷标准差(降低10.0%)和综合风险率(由9.51%降低到5.43%),综合效能更优。

关键词: 水光互补系统, 中长期优化调度, 弃电风险, 失负荷风险, 调峰

Abstract: It is difficult to consider intraday operational risk, energy curtailment, and peak shaving performance of a traditional medium to long-term operation model for hydro-photovoltaic power system, which results in an overestimation of the hybrid power system’s performance. To address this issue, we construct a series of long short-term response functions for describing the relationships of medium to long-term hydropower output versus operational risk, residual load fluctuation, and electricity curtailment rate. Then, these functions are integrated into a medium to long-term optimization model so as to derive optimal operating rule curves considering intraday operational risk, energy curtailment, and peak shaving. We have applied this method to the Zhongyu hydro-photovoltaic hybrid power system. The results show the optimized operating rule curves increase the energy production (+2.61%) and generation guaranteed rate (from 46.7% to 85.7%) and reduce the residual load fluctuation (-10.0%) and operational risk rate (from 9.51% to 5.43%), compared with the standard policy-based operation model. Thus, our model can significantly increase the utilization of photovoltaic.

Key words: hybrid hydro-photovoltaic power system, medium to long-term operation, energy curtailment risk, power shortage risk, peak shaving

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