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水力发电学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1): 95-103.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20230110

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  • 出版日期:2023-01-25 发布日期:2023-01-25

Key technologies and application of flow field dynamic visualization platform

  • Online:2023-01-25 Published:2023-01-25

摘要: 流场模拟是计算机仿真模拟的热点和难点,是展现水流动态变化过程、辅助寻求水流运动变化规律的重要手段。流场可视化技术的应用可以有效提高水流信息表达的直观性与综合性。本文以北江航道水流可视化为例,开发了浏览器/服务器结构的航道水流可视化平台,重点研究了平台中基于图像的流场可视化技术,采用渲染到纹理技术和通用图形处理器计算中的乒乓技术实现了流场可视化的融合,采用基于视点动态渲染的方式有效解决了水流细节层次的表现问题。在北江航道水流可视化应用中流场动态显示效果流畅,运行帧率达60帧左右。该流场可视化实现方法可以为网页端流场可视化实现与应用提供参考。

关键词: 流场可视化, 数字流域, 三维可视化, 基于图像的流场可视化, 浏览器/服务器结构

Abstract: Reproducing a real-time flow field is an important approach for examining hydrodynamic processes and helping find the laws underlying flow motions, and becomes a challenging hotspot in computer simulation studies. Application of flow visualization technology enables a more direct and complete information acquisition for end users. This study develops a B/S structure channel flow visualization platform with application to the flows in the Bei River navigation channel, focusing on the Image Based Flow Visualization (IBFV) technology. In this platform, integration of dynamic visualization with a cesium framework is achieved by adopting both the render to texture technology and the ping-pong technology-commonly used in general-purpose graphics processing; this viewpoint-based dynamic rendering method can be used to demonstrate effectively the details of layer-dependent flows. In the application, our new method generates a series of coherent images at a high operating rate of 60 frames per second. Thus, it would promote the application of flow field visualization technologies for far-end access through a certain Web-supported system.

Key words: flow visualization, digital watershed, 3D visualization, image based flow visualization, B/S structure

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