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水力发电学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1): 77-85.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20230108

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  • 出版日期:2023-01-25 发布日期:2023-01-25

Study on ecological flows based on high-efficiency and high-accuracy habitat model

  • Online:2023-01-25 Published:2023-01-25

摘要: 为实现水电开发和生态保护的和谐发展,科学、定量、高效地分析水电站运行对河流生态的影响,已成为当前水利科学研究的热点。本文将基于Godunov格式有限体积法求解的水动力模型与栖息地适宜模型相耦合,并引入GPU加速技术,建立高效高精度栖息地适宜模型。以野狐峡下游为研究河段,花斑裸鲤为目标鱼类,对不同流量下河段产卵生境进行模拟,以确定电站建成后适宜目标鱼类产卵的生态流量。结果表明:流量在87.5 ~ 139 m3/s和338 ~ 562.5 m3/s时,适宜花斑裸鲤繁殖的有效栖息地面积占其最大值的90.0%以上。为保障产卵栖息地状态良好,建议生态流量在499.2 m3/s附近。该成果对保护黄河上游土著鱼类栖息地具有重要的生态意义,也可为评价水利工程对水生生物的影响提供科学支持。

关键词: 栖息地适宜模型, 水动力模型, GPU加速, 生态流量

Abstract: To achieve a harmony of hydropower development and ecological protection, scientific, quantitative, and efficient analysis of the impact of hydropower station operation on river ecosystem has become a hot research topic in water conservancy. This paper describes a high-efficient and high-accuracy habitat suitability model that couples a habitat suitability model with a hydrodynamic model based on the finite volume method using Godunov scheme, and GPU acceleration technology. Using this coupling model, we simulate the spawning habitats under different river discharges, in a case study of an upper Yellow River section downstream of Yehu Gorge, to determine the ecological flow suitable for spawning of the target fish, Gymnocypris eckloni, after completion of the hydropower station. The results show that under the discharges of 87.5 - 139.0 m3/s and 338.0 - 562.5 m3/s, the effective habitat area suitable for reproduction of this fish covers more than 90.0% of the largest habitat area. To ensure a good condition of the spawning habitat, we suggest an ecological flow be around 499.2 m3/s after completion of this hydropower station. The results are useful for ecological protection of the native fish habitats in the upper Yellow River and also for evaluation of hydropower project impacts on aquatic organisms.

Key words: habitat suitability model, hydrodynamic model, GPU-acceleration, ecological flow

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