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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (12): 122-134.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20221213

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  • 出版日期:2022-12-25 发布日期:2022-12-25

Study on runaway characteristics of tubular turbine for residual pressure power generation

  • Online:2022-12-25 Published:2022-12-25

摘要: 随着贯流式水轮机发电技术的日益成熟,利用其回收循环水系统余压能的工业应用越来越多。本文将一维特征线(MOC)方法与三维计算流体力学(CFD)方法相结合,开发了一维管网和三维贯流式水轮机耦合模拟方法,模拟了真实系统中贯流式水轮机飞逸过程,探究了该过程中故障水轮机流动特性及转轮受力特性。主要结果表明:由稳态工况到飞逸状态所需的时间随着转动惯量减小而变短;转轮和尾水管域的监测点压力脉动振幅高值均发生在转轮叶频及其高次谐波;飞逸过程中,转轮所受轴向力大幅下降,而径向力表现出大幅增加且剧烈振荡特性;转轮叶片表面压力出现明显的交变规律,负压区位于进水侧叶缘处;尾水管内逐渐形成较大旋涡,并沿着流动方向逐渐向管道壁面发展。

关键词: 贯流式水轮机, 余压, 耦合模拟方法, 飞逸, 流动特性, 转轮受力

Abstract: As tubular turbine power generation technology develops, wider application is found in industries to recover the residual pressure energy of circulating water systems. This paper combines the 1D method of characteristics (MOC) and the 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method to develop a coupling method for simulating the flows in a pipeline network equipped with a tubular turbine. We focus on the simulations of the runaway process in the real system and an analysis of its flow and runner stress characteristics. The results show that the time required to switch from the steady state to the runaway state shortens as the moment of inertia decreases. For the pressure fluctuations at the monitoring points in the runner and draft tube sections, their amplitudes take greater values at the runner blade frequency and its higher harmonics. During runaway, the axial force on the runner decreases greatly, while the radial force increases greatly and oscillates violently; an evident alternating trend appears in the blade surface pressure, and a negative pressure zone occurs near the blade edge on its inlet side. And large vortices develop gradually in the draft tube and diffuse towards the pipe wall along the main flow.

Key words: tubular turbine, residual pressure, coupling simulation method, runaway, flow characteristic, runner stress

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