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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (11): 1-10.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20221101

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  • 出版日期:2022-11-25 发布日期:2022-11-25

Simulations of chlorophyll a concentration in a large shallow lake

  • Online:2022-11-25 Published:2022-11-25

摘要: 叶绿素a是湖泊初级生产力评估、富营养化控制与水生态修复的重要指标。本研究通过野外调查采样,分析了浅水湖泊白洋淀春、夏两季11个样点12个水环境参数的时空分布特征,构建了广义可加模型,探讨了叶绿素a与水环境因子间的相关关系。结果表明:白洋淀强人类活动扰动区水环境因子时空异质性明显,叶绿素a浓度与总氮、硝酸盐氮、氨氮、溶解氧、透明度及磷酸盐含量显著相关,其中总氮、氨氮、透明度及磷酸盐是影响叶绿素a含量的最关键环境因子;所构建的广义可加模型最优模型对叶绿素a含量的解释率为98.9%,基于实测数据的验证结果表明模型可靠。研究结果可为白洋淀藻类生长、水华防治及水环境保护提供理论参考。

关键词: 白洋淀, 广义可加模型, 叶绿素a, 水环境, 浅水湖泊

Abstract: Chlorophyll a (Chl a) is an important environmental indicator for lake primary productivity assessment, eutrophication control, and water ecological restoration. This study presents an analysis of the temporal and spatial characteristics of 12 water environment factors of a large shallow Baiyang Lake, based on a field survey of 11 sampling sites in spring and summer. We construct a generalized additive model and discuss the correlation between Chl a and water environmental factors. The results show the environment factors in the lake under strong human disturbance featured obvious temporal and spatial heterogeneity. The Chl a concentration was significantly correlated with six environmental factors-total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, transparency, phosphate contents, nitrate nitrogen, and dissolved oxygen-and the first four are the most critical. The interpretation rate of this generalized model is 98.9% for the Chl a content, and verification against the measurements shows its reliability. The results help understand the algal growth in Baiyang Lake and improve its algal bloom prevention and water environmental protection.

Key words: Baiyang Lake, generalized additive model, Chlorophyll a, water environment, shallow lake

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