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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (9): 44-55.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20220905

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  • 出版日期:2022-09-25 发布日期:2022-09-25

Operation modes of cascade hydropower stations considering large-scale integration of wind and photovoltaic power

  • Online:2022-09-25 Published:2022-09-25

摘要: 风光接入流域梯级水电系统联合打捆外送是解决新能源消纳难题的有效途径,但也使得传统面向单一水电系统的调度方式面临极大挑战。为此,本文系统研究大规模风光接入背景下梯级水电站在长期、日前和实时尺度上的调度方式,并以雅砻江流域锦官梯级多能互补调度为实例,系统评估互补调度效益和风险。结果表明:大规模风光接入背景下,大型水电站水库的中长期水位应提前并加深消落,以增加枯期发电量并减少汛期弃水;互补运行能提升系统调峰能力,且调节水电日出力过程可缓解外送通道竞争;充分发挥梯级水电站的联合调度作用,能分别在日前和实时尺度上对风光功率进行电力补偿调节,弥补风光预测不确定性导致的发电偏差,提高供电可靠性。

关键词: 多能互补调度, 水库调度, 新能源, 调度方式, 多尺度嵌套

Abstract: Combining and bundling the wind and photovoltaic (PV) power with a hydropower system is an effective way to promote the consumption of new energy, but it creates a great challenge to the traditional operation modes of pure hydropower system. This paper presents a systematic study on the operation modes of cascade hydropower stations in long-term, one-day ahead and real-time scales, considering the large-scale access of wind and PV power; and evaluates the benefits and risks of complementary operation via examining a case of the hydro-wind-PV power system in the Yalong River basin of China. The results show that in the complementary mode, the water level at large hydropower stations should be lowered more and in advance to increase power generation in dry season and reduce abandoned water volume in flood season. In this mode, the peak regulation ability of the system can be improved, and the daily output process of hydropower should be adjusted to alleviate the competition of export channels. Cascade hydropower can compensate and adjust the unstable wind and PV power at one day ahead and in real-time scales, significantly improving power transmission quality and power supply reliability.

Key words: multi-energy complementary operation, reservoir operation, new energy, operation mode, multi-time scale nesting

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