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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8): 113-120.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20220811

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  • 出版日期:2022-08-25 发布日期:2022-08-25

Study on compaction characteristics of anti-seepage material mixed with gravel for core wall of earth-rock dams

  • Online:2022-08-25 Published:2022-08-25

摘要: 心墙土料的击实特性能够反映实际工程建设时的压实效果。本文选择一种风积土料和花岗岩砾石料,开展不同含水率、不同掺砾比例及不同击实功等条件下的击实特性试验研究,探索掺砾土料击实干密度与含水率、掺砾比例及击实功之间的关系。试验结果表明:随着含水率的增加,掺砾土料的击实曲线呈先增后减的抛物线型关系;随掺砾含量增大,重型击实功条件下掺砾土料的击实干密度呈现先增后减的变化规律;随掺砾含量增大,轻型击实功条件下掺砾土料的击实干密度近似成比例线性增加;对相同掺砾比例的掺砾土料,随击实功能的增大,其击实干密度逐渐增大,并最终趋于收敛。

关键词: 心墙土料, 击实特性, 含水率, 掺砾比例, 击实功能

Abstract: Compaction characteristics of the core wall soil material reflects the compacting effect in the construction of a real dam project. In this work, a mixture of aeolian sandy soil material and granite gravel material is selected for experimental tests on compaction characteristics under the conditions of different water contents, different gravel ratios, and different compacting efforts. For this gravel-mixed soil, the relationship of its dry density versus water content, ratio of gravel and compacting effort is examined. The test results show that with the increase in water content, the compaction curves of the mixed soil present a parabolic relationship with a trend of increasing first and then decreasing. Under heavy compacting effort, the compacted dry density of the soil material increases first and then decreases with the increasing gravel content; while under light compacting, it increases with a nearly proportional and linear trend. For the mixed soil with a fixed gravel ratio under the increasing compacting effort, its compacted dry density increases gradually and tends to converge.

Key words: core wall material, compaction characteristics, water content, gravel proportion, compactive effort

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