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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (7): 20-29.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20220703

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  • 出版日期:2022-07-25 发布日期:2022-07-25

Optimization of top-level governance structure of major water conservancy projects using PPP model

  • Online:2022-07-25 Published:2022-07-25

摘要: 进入新世纪,我国已建或在建一批重大水利工程,这些工程大部分具有公益性或准经营性特点,并采用PPP模式和“政府主导+市场机制”的治理框架。本文选择了有代表性的3个已建成运营或正在建设的采用PPP模式的重大水利工程项目并对其顶层治理结构进行分析,发现一定条件下可仅针对单项工程应用PPP模式,而并不一定面向整个工程;此外,投资企业也不一定负责工程实施,可由政府组建的项目法人承担。通过案例分析发现,PPP模式的应用与项目法人组建各有多种方式,且两者并不独立,有必要将它们组合分析,然后从中优选满意的项目顶层治理结构。在分析重大水利工程典型项目顶层治理结构的基础上,提出其可行方案的构建方法,并用熵权–VIKOR法寻求优化/满意的方案。

关键词: 重大水利工程, PPP模式, 项目顶层治理, 熵权—VIKOR法

Abstract: Stepping into the new century, China has a number of major water conservancy projects built or under construction. Most of them feature with public welfare or quasi-operation, and adopt the PPP financing pattern and a governance framework of "government leading + market mechanism". This paper chooses three representative major water conservancy projects using the PPP pattern already built or under construction, and examines their top-level governance structure. We find that the pattern can be aimed at a single construction of the project, not necessarily at the whole project. And the responsibility for project implementation can be taken by the project entity established by the government, not necessarily by the financing enterprises. Case analysis indicates that various ways can be found to apply the PPP model or establish the project entity, but both applications are not independent from each other. Hence, it is necessary to combine both and then select a satisfactory project top-level governance structure. In this work, a method for designing feasible schemes is developed and optimal schemes determined using an entropy weight-VIKOR method, on the basis of analysis of the top-level structure as demonstrated above.

Key words: major water conservancy project, PPP model, project top-level governance, entropy weight-VIKOR method

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