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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (7): 13-19.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20220702

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  • 出版日期:2022-07-25 发布日期:2022-07-25

Study on key competences identification models for construction project managers

  • Online:2022-07-25 Published:2022-07-25

摘要: 项目经理对实现项目成功和组织战略具有基础性作用。随着工程项目规模和复杂性的日益增长,组织对优秀项目经理的需求越来越大。本文旨在构建模型,识别工程项目经理待改进的关键能力要素,支持工程项目经理个人发展与组织人力资源管理实践。基于已有文献能力指标体系,通过问卷调研方法获取各指标的重要性及个人水平现状数据。采用重要性-绩效分析(IPA)方法识别急需改进的要素,进一步计算要素优先级指标,据此确定改进各要素的优先顺序。案例分析说明本文建立的模型可以有效应用于工程项目经理能力要素的识别和排序,便于实践应用。工程项目管理从业人员可以应用本模型锁定有待改进的关键能力要素,形成能力建设策略;研究人员可以借鉴本文对IPA方法的修正,应用于其他类似研究。

关键词: 工程项目经理, 关键能力要素, 重要性-绩效分析, 能力识别模型, 人力资源管理

Abstract: Project managers play a fundamental role in project success and organizational strategy implementation. With the increasing scale and complexity of construction projects, the demand for qualified project managers is also growing. This paper develops a model for identifying the managers’ key competences that need further improvement, so as to support personal development and organizational human resource management practices. Based on the previous competence indicator system in the literature, a questionnaire survey was conducted to obtain the importance and performance of each competence. Importance-performance analysis (IPA) is adopted to identify competences in need of improvement; a priority order of them is then determined through calculation of the priority index of each competence. Case analysis shows our model is effective and easy to use in identifying and ranking the construction project managers’ competences. It helps identify the key competences for improvement and establish corresponding competence building strategies, and our modified IPA method is also a useful tool that can be applied to other similar studies.

Key words: construction project manager, key competence element, importance-performance analysis, competences identification model, human resource management

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