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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 88-94.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20220609

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  • 出版日期:2022-06-25 发布日期:2022-06-25

Influence of tip clearance on multi-condition pressurization performance of multiphase pumps

  • Online:2022-06-25 Published:2022-06-25

摘要: 叶顶间隙的存在会导致混输泵内有叶顶泄漏涡产生,进而对泵的增压性能产生较大的影响。本文以叶顶间隙为基础,定量地研究了不同叶顶间隙、流量及进口含气率对混输泵增压性能的影响。研究发现:叶顶间隙对混输泵做功性能的影响主要位于叶轮域内,且叶顶间隙的增加对于混输泵的做功性能有一定抑制作用;当叶顶间隙较小时,流量对叶轮做功性能都有明显的影响,而随着叶顶间隙的增加,流量对叶片表面压力载荷分布影响相对较小;当叶顶间隙为0.5 mm和1.5 mm时,随着进口含气率的增加,叶片吸力面压力载荷逐渐减小,而压力面的压力载荷略有增加,而当叶顶间隙为1.0 mm时,叶片表面压力载荷受到进口含气率影响很小。研究结果为混输泵增压性能提升提供一定参考依据。

关键词: 叶顶间隙, 多相混输泵, 增压性能, 进口含气率, 压力载荷

Abstract: The existence of tip clearance causes tip leakage vortices in a mixed pump, imposing a greater impact on its pressurization performance. This paper studies quantitatively the effects of different tip clearances on the pressurization performance of a multiphase pump; based on this, the effects of flow rate and inlet air volume fraction are examined. We found that the influence of tip clearance is suppressed largely in the impeller section, and an increase in the tip clearance has a certain inhibitory effect on pump performance. At a small tip clearance, the flow has a significant effect on the performance of the impeller, while at a large tip clearance, it has a relatively smaller effect on the pressure load distribution of the blade surface. When the tip clearance is 0.5 mm or 1.5 mm, the inlet air volume fraction becomes larger, and the pressure load decreases significantly on the suction side while increases slightly on the pressure side. When the tip clearance is 1.0 mm, the inlet air volume fraction affected less on the blade surface. The results provide reference for the improvement in the pressure-boosting performance of the mixed pump.

Key words: tip clearance, multiphase pump, pressurization performance, inlet air volume fraction, pressure load

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