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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 34-42.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20220604

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  • 出版日期:2022-06-25 发布日期:2022-06-25

Fund for reservoir flood limit water level based on benefit sharing

  • Online:2022-06-25 Published:2022-06-25

摘要: 水库汛限水位设计与运用效益显著,但难以广泛实际应用,根本原因在于责权利不对等:防汛主管部门承担责任,蓄滞洪区遭受风险,水库业主单位获取利益。本文基于优化汛限水位后的汛期运行水位控制,以水库新增的效益、蓄滞洪区居民缴纳的洪水保险、国家投入的启动资金为来源,构建流域防洪基金,以对冲汛限水位调整后的风险。应用于汉江中下游流域,分析结果表明:水库增加效益的投入比例是基金持续运行的关键要素。推荐方案是将水库增加效益的50%、蓄滞洪区缴纳的洪水保险和国家投入的100亿启动资金用于防洪基金的构建。通过防洪基金运行机制的构建,促进形成风险分担、利益共享的良好局面,推行汛期运行水位的优化控制,实现流域的可持续发展。

关键词: 防洪基金, 洪水保险, 可持续发展, 汉江中下游

Abstract: The fundamental reason why the flood limit level redesign is difficult to be widely used in practice lies in the inequality of responsibilities, rights and interests-the flood control authorized department bears the responsibility, the flood storage and detention area suffers the risks, and the reservoir owner takes the benefits. To achieve a certain equality through reservoir operation for flood control based on the optimized flood limit level, this paper constructs a basin flood control fund model incorporating three major factors-reservoir benefit increase, flood insurance paid by the residents in the flood storage and detention area, and start-up fund invested by the state. Application of this model to the middle and lower Hanjiang River shows the investment proportion for reservoir benefit increase is a key factor in the sustainable operation of the flood control fund. We recommend that a flood control fund can be constructed by summing up three parts: 50% of the reservoir benefit increase, the flood insurance, and a state start-up fund of 10 billion yuan. A mechanism of flood control fund operating should be built to promote risk sharing and benefit sharing equality, implement optimal schemes based on the flood limit water level, and realize sustainable basin development.

Key words: flood control fund, flood insurance, sustainable development goal, downstream Hanjiang River basin

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