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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (5): 12-20.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20220502

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  • 出版日期:2022-05-25 发布日期:2022-05-25

Application of laser tracker to Wudongde hydraulic turbine generator units installation

  • Online:2022-05-25 Published:2022-05-25

摘要: 激光跟踪仪的出现与推广应用为水轮发电机组安装工程突破精密测量工作的技术瓶颈,进一步提高施工质量水平和作业效率提供了一个良好的契机。在乌东德水电站机组安装工程中,激光跟踪测量技术获得了广泛的应用。工作中,通过对工作软件的二次开发,并研制专用工装,使该项技术充分适应机组安装工艺流程,保证了现场精密测量工作顺畅实施。工程实践表明,相较于传统测量方法,该项技术在测量精度、可靠性、作业效率等诸多方面具有显著优势。本文最后指出此项技术的推广应用将带来水轮发电机组安装工程领域深刻的技术革新,而形成一整套新的施工工艺流程和施工组织模式是此项工作的重点和难点。

Abstract: Invention and development of a laser tracker system in this work realizes precise survey in the installation of hydraulic turbine generator units, and triggers a new achievement of installing quality and productivity higher than ever. The laser tracking technique has been widely employed for the installation project of the Wudongde hydraulic turbine generator units. For this project, we made secondary software development and a special design of measuring tools, and promoted its laser tracker system to meet the technological requirement by its construction process. This technique has achieved a higher accuracy, better reliability and higher productivity at its construction site, compared with the traditional surveying method and based on the survey data of its generator units installation. We demonstrate the potential of technological innovation through application of this new laser tracking technique, and emphasize the importance and difficulty in formulating a series of new flow schemes and organization modes of the installation and construction of hydraulic turbine generator units.

Key words: precise survey, laser tracker, hydraulic turbine generator units, installation, accuracy and reliability, productivity

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