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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 104-112.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20220411

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  • 出版日期:2022-04-25 发布日期:2022-04-25

Study on efficient optimization of spillway construction for barrier lakes

  • Online:2022-04-25 Published:2022-04-25

摘要: 堰塞湖一旦溃决,将对下游人民造成严重威胁,开挖泄流槽成为应急处置最常用、最关键的工程措施。如何快速、定量确定其断面形状,减少开挖量,以降低溃决洪水风险迫在眉睫。本文基于土水耦合机制,提出DB-IWHR 2.0泄流槽自动优化设计模型。该模型基于水力学参数和双曲线冲蚀模型,可模拟溃口纵、横向快速扩展,实现溃决全过程快速分析(1小时内),进而在分析溃决特征值基础上快速获取泄流槽最优设计方案。将此模型应用于白格“11?03”堰塞湖发现:白格堰塞湖泄流槽最优设计时,溃决洪峰流量为31041.18 m3/s,与实际溃决流量31000 m3/s基本保持一致。但开挖量可由135000 m3减少到71029.16 m3,仅为实际开挖量的53%,泄流槽最大深度由15 m减少到4.04 m,仅为实际槽深的27%。优化后的泄流槽在避免过度开挖导致堰塞湖坝体失稳的同时,也节约了施工时间、减少了抢险工作量,为堰塞湖的应急处置工作提供了快速、详实、有效的技术支持。

关键词: 堰塞湖, 泄流槽开挖, DB-IWHR 2.0模型, 快速优化, 溃决洪峰和洪量

Abstract: Once a barrier lake is breached, it will pose severe threats to the people and infrastructure downstream. Constructing a spillway is the most common measure for risk mitigation, but an urgent, significant issue is how to design its cross section and reduce the excavation volume while ensuring an effective reduction of the breaching flood risk. Based on the soil-water coupling mechanism, this paper develops a new DB-IWHR 2.0 model for automatic spillway optimization design that integrates a hyperbolic erosion model and relevant hydraulic parameters to simulate the vertical and horizontal rapid enlargement of the breach and realize a rapid analysis (in 1 hour) of the whole breaching process. Then, an optimal spillway design is obtained according to the analysis of breaching features. Application to a case study of the "11?03" Baige barrier lake reveals that when the spillway is constructed by the optimal design, the peak flow through the breach is 31041.18 m3/s, nearly the same as its site observed value of 31000 m3/s, while the excavation could be reduced from 135000 m3 to 71029.16 m3, and its deepest section reduced from 15 m to 4.04 m, or a 53% and 27% reduction of the emergency rescue response, respectively. Thus, the stability loss of the barrier dam can be avoided, while the construction time and emergency rescue response time be reduced, implying the emergency rescue work can be faster, more detailed and more effective.

Key words: barrier lake, spillway construction, DB-IWHR 2.0 model, efficient optimization, breach discharge and flood volume

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