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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 71-82.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20220408

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  • 出版日期:2022-04-25 发布日期:2022-04-25

Analysis on flood warning rainfall for railroad bridges and culverts in Gaotai overflow area

  • Online:2022-04-25 Published:2022-04-25

摘要: 为降低漫流区水害对兰新铁路桥涵的危害,利用暴雨洪水管理模型(SWMM)对高台漫流区洪水进行模拟分析,得到该漫流区部分铁路桥涵预警雨量。首先通过ArcGis建立集总式与半分布式两种SWMM模型,用6场降雨对模型参数进行率定,利用精度评价指标比较两种模型的优劣,进而探讨了SWMM模型对漫流区的适用性;最后采用水位反推法,得到高台漫流区部分桥涵的洪灾预警雨量。结果表明:SWMM可针对漫流区建立降雨径流模型,率定期6场洪水洪峰水位相对误差均低于10%、确定性系数均大于0.7;模拟结果中4场洪水模拟精度等级达甲级标准,2场洪水模拟精度等级达乙级标准,合格率为100%;集总式模型相比半分布模型更适用漫流区;成灾水位一定时,预警时间越长,预警雨量越大。

关键词: 漫流区, 暴雨洪水管理模型, 降雨径流, 水文模型, 预警雨量

Abstract: This article presents a flood simulation analysis using Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) to reduce water damage to the bridges and culverts of Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway in the Gaotai overflow area and to determine the warning rainfall for some of these culverts. First, we construct two types of SWMMs, namely lumped and semi-distributed types, using the software ArcGis, and compare their pros and cons through calibration and accuracy evaluation for the simulations of six rainfall events. Then, the applicability of SWMM to the overflow area is discussed; finally, flood warning rainfalls are determined using a water level inversion method. The results show SWMM is applicable to the rainfall-runoff in this overflow area, with relative flood level errors less than 10% and a determination coefficient greater than 0.7. Of the six rainfall events, four are simulated with an accuracy reaching the level of Class A standard, and two reaching Class B, resulting in a qualification rate of 100%. Lumped hydrological models are better for application to the overflow area than the semi-distributed type. For a given disaster water level, a longer warning time means a greater warning rainfall.

Key words: overflow area, storm water management model, rainfall-runoff, hydrological model, warning rainfall

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