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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 37-46.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20220405

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  • 出版日期:2022-04-25 发布日期:2022-04-25

Medium-term peak-shaving scheduling method of cascade reservoirs coupled with flow time delay

  • Online:2022-04-25 Published:2022-04-25

摘要: 针对电网日间负荷的频繁波动及梯级库群复杂的水力联系,提出了一种考虑分段水流滞时策略的梯级库群中期调峰调度方法。首先以电网调峰最优和梯级发电量最大为目标构建了电网中期调峰调度的多目标模型;然后基于水量平衡原理提出了中期分段水流滞时描述方法,可以有效描述以日为计算步长的梯级电站中期调度计算过程中的流量滞时情况;最后给出了调度期和滞后期梯级流量滞时综合电量的计算方法以减小水流滞时破坏的出力偏差。以澜沧江11座梯级水电站为研究对象的计算结果表明,所提方法通过引入水流滞时因素使得计算结果更符合实际运行情况,有效减小了滞后性影响的调度计划偏差,提高了水电利用效益,具有较好的中期调峰效果。

关键词: 中期调度, 调峰, 梯级水电站, 多目标, 滞时

Abstract: Aimed at addressing the daytime frequent fluctuation of power grid load and the complicated hydraulic connection existing in cascade hydropower stations, a medium-term peak shaving scheduling model for cascade reservoirs considering a piecewise flow delay strategy is developed. First, a peak-shaving multi-objective model for medium-term power grid dispatch is constructed to optimize peak shaving and maximize cascade power generation. Then, based on the principle of water balance, a medium-term piecewise time delay method is formulated to effectively describe the flow delay in calculations of the medium-term dispatching of cascade hydropower stations with a time step of one day. Finally, a comprehensive benefit calculation method to alleviate the generation deviation affected by the lag times for the scheduling period and the time lag period is presented. The method has been applied to a case study of 11 cascade hydropower stations under operation on the Lancang River mainstream. The results show it achieves a better agreement with the real operation through introducing flow delay factors, reducing the delay effects of scheduling deviation effectively. And it improves hydropower utilization benefits and has a good medium-term peak-shaving effect.

Key words: medium-term scheduling, peak-shaving, cascade reservoirs, multi-objective, delay time

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