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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (3): 92-100.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20220309

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  • 出版日期:2022-03-25 发布日期:2022-03-25

Orthogonal test optimization of impeller and diffuser of high specific speed axial flow pumps

  • Online:2022-03-25 Published:2022-03-25

摘要: 高比转速轴流泵广泛应用在防洪排涝等特殊场合,但其水力效率普遍偏低。为提高其水力效率,并达到节能效果,本文对比转速为1400轴流泵的叶轮与导叶采用正交试验进行水力优化,并探究优化前后泵的内流特性。先对轴流泵叶轮和导叶的几何形状进行参数化解析,对参数化后的控制尺寸设置控制因素,以水力效率为指标设计正交试验,并对正交试验结果进行极差分析,获得影响轴流泵水力性能的关键因素。依据关键因素下的相应水平,调整叶片翼型几何参数,获得叶轮与导叶正交试验优化后结果。结果表明,优化后的叶轮与导叶段的脱流与回流涡等现象均得到有效改善,且叶轮表面压力集中区域扩大,做功能力得到提高,使叶轮、导叶及出水管段的水力损失显著降低。正交试验得到的最终优化方案较于原型泵,其水力性能的水力效率提高了13.22%,且扬程提高至设计指标6.3 m。

关键词: 轴流泵, 叶轮, 导叶, 水力效率, 正交试验

Abstract: The axial flow pump of high specific speed is widely used for flood control, waterlog drainage, and other special occasions, but its hydraulic efficiency is generally low. To achieve energy-saving effects and a higher efficiency, this paper adopts orthogonal tests to optimize the impeller and diffuser of a 1400 axial flow pump, and examines the internal flow behaviors of the pump and its optimized version. First, a geometric parameter analysis is made for the impeller and diffuser, and control factors are imposed on the parameterized control dimensions. Then, we design a set of orthogonal tests using hydraulic efficiency as the objective index, and conduct a range analysis of the test results so as to determine the key factors in the pump’s hydraulic performance. Thus, orthogonal test optimization of the impeller and guide vanes is achieved for different levels of the key factors via adjusting the geometric parameters of the blade airfoil. We found that flow separation and backflow vortices in the impeller and diffuser sections optimized by cross-test are suppressed effectively, and the pressure concentration area on impeller surface is expanded, resulting in a greater driving force and a significant reduction in the hydraulic losses in the sections of impeller, diffuser and outlet pipe. And an improvement on the pump’s hydraulic efficiency by 13.2% has been achieved in and the pump head is increased to the design level of 6.3 m.

Key words: axial flow pump, impeller, diffuser, hydraulic efficiency, orthogonal test

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