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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (3): 1-8.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20220301

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  • 出版日期:2022-03-25 发布日期:2022-03-25

Non-logarithmic velocity profiles of shallow open channel flows with submerged vegetation

  • Online:2022-03-25 Published:2022-03-25

摘要: 随着对生态环境的日益重视,有关植被的水力学研究近年来进展迅速。对于淹没植被,现有的研究一般认为植被表层水流仍满足对数分布。但在浅水情况下,表层水流流速明显偏离对数规律。本文首先通过改变表层水深、植被杆径和密度,开展了淹没植被浅水明渠流多工况水槽实验,并运用激光多普勒测速仪对垂线流速分布进行了测量;然后结合Prandtl紊流掺混理论,探讨了浅水情况下掺混长度沿水深的变化规律,并推导出非对数形式的流速分布公式。与实验资料的比较结果表明:理论公式能较好地描述淹没植被条件下浅水明渠流的流速分布规律。

关键词: 植被水力学, 明渠, 紊流, 淹没植被, 流速分布

Abstract: With growing attention to ecological environment, the hydraulics research of vegetated flows has achieved a rapid progress in recent years. For submerged vegetation, previous studies generally suggest flow velocity in the surface layer above the vegetation follows a logarithmic distribution, but in shallow water cases the velocity profile of this layer deviates from the logarithmic law significantly. In this paper, variations in the mixing length for shallow vegetated flows are examined by applying Prandtl’s theory, and a new formula is derived to describe the velocity defect distribution. Velocity profiles have been measured experimentally for different surface layer thicknesses, different vegetation densities, and different vegetation stem diameters. Our new formula proves in good agreement with the experimental data.

Key words: vegetation hydraulics, open channel flow, turbulence, submerged vegetation, velocity profile

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