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  • 出版日期:2022-02-25 发布日期:2022-02-25

Multi-scale experiment of mechanical property degradation of a laterite soil under dry-wet cycling

  • Online:2022-02-25 Published:2022-02-25

摘要: 针对干湿循环下红土力学性质劣化的多尺度效应,开展了重塑红土的压汞试验、扫描电镜试验、细观裂隙试验和三轴剪切试验,分析了土体微细观结构损伤及宏观力学性质劣化规律,探讨了土体力学性质劣化的多尺度机制。研究结果表明:(1)重塑红土微观结构受干湿循环影响损伤明显,土颗粒丰度稍有增加,颗粒多被改造为近圆形和圆形;颗粒定向频率有所变化,整体为各向同性,局部存在优势方向;颗粒面积概率分布指数增大,向更小颗粒改造;土体孔隙总体积增大,小孔隙向大、中孔隙转化为主,孔隙总体积的增加参与了孔隙转化,是大、中孔隙增加的主要来源;(2)干湿循环作用下,重塑红土细观裂隙演化经历了增湿启裂期、循环发育期和后期稳定期,裂隙率和裂隙宽度发育集中于前5次干湿循环,后期趋于稳定;(3)干湿循环下,重塑红土抗剪强度劣化显著,其中黏聚力呈反“S”型衰减,主要集中于前5次干湿循环,后期趋于稳定;内摩擦角基本呈线性减小,减小幅度不大。综合上述分析结果,重塑红土力学性质劣化的多尺度机制可概括为:干湿循环作用引起土体孔隙总体积的膨胀势、孔隙扩张和贯通弱化的基质势、胶结物质被溶解削弱的胶结强度和水分反复迁移改变的颗粒结构共同使得土体微观结构损伤,进而诱发土体微观裂隙扩展成细观裂隙,造成土体完整度退化,导致土体宏观力学性质劣化。

关键词: 干湿循环, 红土, 压汞试验, 扫描电镜, 微细观结构, 力学性质

Abstract: To investigate the multi-scale effect of degrading mechanical properties of laterite soils under dry-wet cycling, we conducted mercury intrusion tests, scanning electron microscope tests, micro-fracture tests, and triaxial compression tests, focusing on analysis of the damage to the micro-meso structure of a remolded laterite soil and its deterioration of macroscopic mechanical properties. And the multi-scale mechanism of soil mechanical property degradation is explored. Results show that: (1) the micro-structure of remolded laterite is damaged by dry-wet cycles obviously: its gradation becomes slightly denser and most of the particles are modified closer to the spherical shape. The frequency of particle orientation is modified, but it is overall isotropic with a dominant orientation only locally. The probability distribution index of particle area increases and transforms to that of smaller particles. The total pore volume increases and small pores transform into medium and large ones. This increase is involved in pore transformation, serving as the main source of more medium and large pores; (2) Under dry-wet cycling, the evolution of remolded laterite meso-cracks experiences three stages: crack initiation of humidification, development with the cycling, and later stableness. The development of fracture rate and fracture width mainly occurs in the initial five cycles and is stabilized in the late stage; (3) Owing to the action of dry-wet cycles, the shear strength of remolded laterite degrades significantly. The cohesion decreases in an inverse ¢S¢ type, which occurs in the initial five cycles and tends to be stable later. The internal friction angle decreases linearly to a small extent. Based on the results above, the multi-scale mechanism of remolded laterite mechanical properties deterioration can be summarized. The expansion potential of total pore volume, matrix potential of pore expansion and penetration weakening, cementation strength weakened by dissolution of cement material, and particle structure modified by repeated water migration under the action of dry-wet cycling - all these factors together cause damage to soil microstructure and then make the micro-cracks expand into meso-cracks, resulting in degraded soil integrity and deteriorated macroscopic mechanical properties.

Key words: dry-wet cycle, laterite, mercury intrusion test, scanning electron microscope (SEM), micro-meso structure, mechanical property

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